WOW 22nd June 2016 LE, Friendship quilt, and Mars quilt.

We are having a full moon at present and it is incrediable to watch it rise straight in front of our hom

We are having a full moons at present and it is incredible to watch this beautiful giant yellow ball  rise up over the range straight in front of our home each night.

I have been working on my LE mostly this week. How I LOVE this beautiful design of Esther’s.  I have been working on it on and off for 3 years now since it was released in 2013  and I still get so much enjoyment out of working on it.

Working on the ovals or leaves as some quilters call them, had to add some angels for a change

Working on the ovals or leaves as some quilters call them, could not wait  to add some angels for a change.

Close up so you can see the brocade

Close up so you can see the silk brocade Im using for the background and ovals, angels are crepe silk. I have to use a 12  sharps needle to get it through the fabric as it is so tightly woven.

Last night I had to lay some of the tiny pieces I have prep

Last night I had to lay some of the tiny pieces I have prepped to see how it was going to look, I have been making lots of these tiny pieces over the last 3 years, but its still a long time before they will all be used up.


Was not happy with the large plante is unpicked part of it and added more padding

I was not happy with the large planet so unpicked part of it and added more padding it looks more round now. Just have a few more stitches to appliqué the silver planetary ring.


I have been machine quilting in the ditch on my friendship quilt this week also, usually one or two strips a day if possible.

Papua New Guinea friend ship quilt we made these nearlly 20 years ago and Im just getting around to quilting it. As its all in blocks Im machine quilting it in the ditch,  sewing machines and I dont go together because I have a bad back so Im doing one or two runs a day, another few weeks and it will be done I hope.

Papua New Guinea friend ship quilt we made these nearlly 20 years ago and Im just getting around to quilting it. As its all in blocks Im machine quilting it in the ditch, sewing machines and I dont go together because I have a bad back so Im doing one or two runs a day, another few weeks and it will be done I hope.

Back of friendship quilt this one piece was given to me by one of the ladies who made one of the wee blocks .

Back of friendship quilt this one piece was given to me by one of the ladies who made one of the wee blocks .

Yes today I went shopping for quilting supplies that I really needed,  backing fabric, quilting needles, cotton wadding, and fine iron on interfacing to back my silks with to stop them shifting.

I called in tot he shop first and there was a HUGE fold pile of pink and white cansy stripped cott

I called in to the shop first and there was a HUGE folded pile of pink and white candy stripped cotton fabric around 1  1/2 metres wide and 12 metres long???  it was marked but I bought it and have washed and dried it and it is on a roll now and it so heavy?  then it was on to the fabric shop loking for the wadding that costs soooo much down under around $65.00 for a large kingsize quilt, there in a very large bin were several rolls of it, 2 metres wide by 13.3 metres long for $90.00 reduced from $350.00 for VIP members guess who came home with a roll of cotton wadding enough for 6 quilts. I found the right fine iron on interfacing and a rack full of 12 sharp needles I would have liked to have bought them all but only took 4 pkts as they are so hard to find up here or any where in OZ so left most of them for other appliqué quilters. If they are still there when I go back I will buy some more!!!!!!  This weekend I hope to start sandwiching my PNG quilt to finally start hand quilting it.

This fun piece of fabric from the Philapines was given to me this week

This fun cotton batik  lap lap  from the Philippines was given to me this week  it may end up in a quilt!

Tiles been laid over our wooden decking as it gets to much rain on it.

Tiles been laid over our wooden decking as it gets to much rain on it.  it has made it so cosy out there at night time we will eat out there a great deal more now.  Biggest plus it will be so much easier to keep clean.

It is to wet in the garden to walk around and take photos as the ground is water logged, Ive picked up two leeches this week it so wet.

Some strong colour in the garden.

Some strong colour in the garden.

Ususally the garden is very very dry now but it has

Usually the garden is very very dry now but it has not stopped raining since Jan 2016!!!!!

Thank you for visiting, please leave a comment if you would like me to visit you and see what you are working on.

Im off to link with Esther now.

Cheers ALL Glenda

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9 Responses to WOW 22nd June 2016 LE, Friendship quilt, and Mars quilt.

  1. Plum Cox says:

    Leeches?!? Yuck! I’m not a fan! What a lot of rain you’ve had this year…..
    I didn’t know that you had a bad back – is it something that might get better or a permanent state of affairs? What a shame that it limits your machining time. At least you are managing a little by little. Love your hand work, as ever!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

    • glenda says:

      Hi Plum I do enjoy WOW with Esther as it keeps me in touch with my online friends. Weeks seem to sneak past so quickly now days LOL. We have just had 3 backpackers staying with 2 girl s from Sweden and 1 guy from Gremany they stayed 2 days. And were wonderful company, before they left the girls cleaned some of my windows which were very dirty after the storm and the guy cleaned up all the dead leaves, branches and fronds that came down, I was soooooo happy. My back problem is permanent I have to stand and sew so it’s some thing I don’t enjoy doing. I’m glad I love hand quilting so much LOL. Catch you next week Hugs Glenda

  2. Maggie says:

    Dear Glenda

    We need rain, we have only had 20mm! I did all the gardening and spend more time watering the plants than sewing? Send us a wee bit, please?.
    Love those batting finds, it happened only once to me, having lived in the Southern hemisphere one know how expensive it can be. This full moon on our side looked pink, a strawberry moon, it was unusual.
    LE is so much fun, still busy with the centre block. Have some green berries with my name on, currently working on getting up to date with my sewing.
    Love your planets. Do you use a hoop or do you. Lap Quilt?

    • glenda says:

      Hi Maggie gosh I have been enjoying those wonderful photos of the quilts you have been uploading from the show, so many and all worth stopping and looking at. Thanks for sharing, I’ve been in 4 times to day looking at them LOL. It has been so warm this winter snakes are still around, I nearly walked in to one on my door step tonight, lucky I had my torch, I never walk around at night time with out one. It was about 1 1/2 metres long. Had one in the house years ago a tipain nasty things and about 3 metres long I was really scared getting rid of it and it was so aggressive. A strawberry moon sounds so beautiful. I love full moons specially here in the tropics as they look so Huge. Hoping to use some of the batting this week, I have around 6 quilts I want to sandwhich so so happy to get such a huge bargain. Hugs Glenda

  3. Karen says:

    sounds like you got a very good deal at the quilt shop! so much batting for such a good price. Leeches do not sound like fun but understand in your area this is most likely common. I hope your new deck flooring will be a wonderful addition – you are right so much easier to clean and it sounds like you use the area a lot so a very good addition I’m sure. I have not worked on Love Entwined in a long time but it is still packed away and intend to get back to it one day. Right now the garden takes up a bit of my time in the evening as it is cooler then to work so that cuts into my quilting time that I normally do in the evening maybe I will start to quilt a little in the afternoon instead as it is too hot to be outside much.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Karen, not often we get bargains like this, this is my first like this, I keep putting off buying batting as it costs so much, even the synthetic batting is not cheap here. I lov wool or bamboo but cotton is lovely if you want a light weight quilt and so nice to quilt. We mostly live out doors even when eating in the summer, much cooler and pleasant than been indoors. I’m looking forward to next summer to see if it makes the inside of the house cooler. Have had lots ts of visitors lately so not doing as much sewing and quilting as I would like to, I’m enjoyed Ng working back on my LE, it often gets put away for months at a time when I get snowed under with other quilting projects, and I can not work on it during the summer as the silk marks if my hands sweat from it been so hot and humid. Had a nice German boy helping me in the garden last week, he racked up all the rubbish and dragged it down in to the gully where we put it all, it came down during the storm we had 2 weeks ago, such a huge help. Hugs Glenda

  4. Bunny says:

    OH I love your silk ovals and angels just beautiful. So happy for you getting out to shop for fabric and wadding. Yeah for a good deal too. No leaches here please ugh lol.

    • glenda says:

      Its wonderful to be back working on my LE Bunny, Ive all ways loved working on it but because its all silks it takes for ever to do, (I could have made 4 in cotton in the time it has to get this far using the silks,) and I get burn out so pack it away for months at a time; but that was my challenge and I knew it was going to be a life time to finish it. How wonderful to see Narelle win two major awards at the Sydney 2016 show with her LE this week, she is such a lovely person Im so happy for her. Im looking forward to seeing how your quilter is going to quilt yours. Hugs Glenda

  5. Jenny says:

    Lovely to see your LE progress Glenda, it’s looking beautiful. I went through all the silks you sent me when I was tidying up and can tell how difficult it must be to work with some of them. Your batting was a steal it was 96-00 for the 3 metres I needed for LE.
    Your garden is looking great despite the rain although not sure I would want leeches or snakes to look out for, both are on my never want for friends with list.
    Sorry to hear how bad your back problem is, can understand why you do so little by machine, with my thumbs I avoided any handstitching but they are becoming very sore from moving LE around while quilting, another couple of painkillers help though.
    Hugs Jenny

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