WOW or WIP’s with Esther 19th March 2014

This stunning orchid opened this morning while I was out. How a bride would love this in her bouquet.

Love Entwined is still on hold as my left eye does still not like to focus for long on any thing close up. So I have been doing lots and lots of blanket stitch which I can almost do blind folded if I had to.

Pooh Bear baby quilt. I started this over 4 years ago and after blanket stitching around one bear it was put away???? why I have no idea but found it last week and have been working only on this and my UK heart mini quilt since as my eye is still not focusing for fine work. May be it will get finished this time round?????

I foolishly asked my DGS what are they and he looked and studied them and said monkeys with horns LOL.. Now that I have added eyes to the ones I have appliquéd he can see them as bears. Oh they are bears running!!!!!! but they still have horns LOL It takes me roughly 3 hrs to appliqué one bear so lots of sewing done but lots still to do, I have 7 more bears and 19 eyes to appliqué plus one honey pot hive too.

My UK Heart mini quilt finished now I need to make the hanging sleeve and add my paper shells.

A piece of black Bamboo for the hanger and the paper shells that need to be drilled so I can thread them on to fishing line, so they will hang some thing like a mobile down each side???? My hearts are like Islands in the tropical sea where I live in Australia and it is going to the freezing cold in the UK to fund raise for The Quilter's Guild of the British Isles Festival of Quilts 2014>>>>>>

Heart themed Tombola Hearts,
The Lilacs, Dittons Road,
Polegate, East Sussex. BN26 6JQ

Nana's wonderful looking pin cushion???? My DGD 14months likes to sit on my knee and oh and argh over my goodies beside my chair, she knows she is not aloud to touch any thing on that table, but yesterday she insisted on pulling out the pins I told her that they hurt and were dangerous and pricked her each time to show her, but no she would pull them out again. After 7 times she stopped, she is not a slow learner just very stubborn like her Grandmother.LOL. I think I will have to let her push them in to material next time, may be we have a new quilter in the family?????


Lego is serious business in our family, they start learning how to use it from around 7 months old, here DGD is learning about Technical lego with DGP.

Here DGS 5 comes to help DGP too. He builds sets made for 10 and 12 year olds on his own!!!!!


Teaching her new baby how to play with big lego?????? My DGD 14 months old with her first Baby doll. It was interesting to watch her reaction, horror at first and did not want any thing to do with her, then she tried to smash her face????? Then for an hour carried her around cuddling her and shared her toys and what ever she was doing with her?????? I must admit she does look and feel very real like!!!!!



About two weeks ago I brought home the Teddy bear bookend on the left to clean up from the shop, I was sad there was only one bookend, I took him back to sell and there on the shelf was the Mrs Teddy she must of been handed in a week later. Now to clean up the Mrs Teddy and hope they will be loved again for many years to come. It's amazing what some dish-detergent and elbow grease can do.

Hubby picked this beauty from the garden 3 days ago. It is one of the biggest we have seen here, and has a lovely perfume as well. It is 7inches by 5 inches rather large???? I still can not believe that they just grow on the trees in our garden here,

Last week I showed you a wall hanging from India made from recycled embroidered sari dresses, well my wee dog thought it had all the right smells and claimed it for a while till i put it away!!!!! It must of been uncomfortable with all that beading to lie on?????

In the last month with all the hot weather and rain the air roots from the tree canopy above have grown 3 and 4 metres, you can see them crawling along the drive way, they are a bit like the triffids one moment they aren't there and the next they are??????

Our Dragon Fruit are doing well this year, this is a scrumptious fruit that grows on a cactus and looks like a bright red kiwi fruit when opened . I will try and remember to upload a photo when I pick a ripe one.

A uninvited house guest, my DDIL foind it in her house yesterday not the kind you really like to visit. Around 4 inches long.

Imagine cleaning that many feet every night??????? They have a nasty bite but not deadly.

I have made up my blog today a day early as I have a full day not at home tomorrow visiting Dr’s for my tooth infection or more like a head infection now.  I will link with Esther tomorrow morning.

Many of you drop in and I appreciate the time you take to stop and leave a hello.  I also enjoy visiting other quilters blogs and see what is happening around the world. SO thank you for saying Hi.

Cheers Glenda  Austrlaia.



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5 Responses to WOW or WIP’s with Esther 19th March 2014

  1. Bunny says:

    Oh Glenda the Pooh quilt is too cute, and so is Grandpa and the little ones playing Lego.
    Hope your eye gets better soon. I am getting sleepy so maybe off to bed.

  2. Karen says:

    lego’s are so much fun! we always had them in our house for our children and I made sure to keep a large bag of them for when our grandchildren were interested in them as well – they might still be in a large back in the storage in the work shop now. I bet it is the tooth infection that has bothered your eye as well – I hope all the medication kicks in soon and starts to work!!

  3. Wendy says:

    G’day Glenda,
    Always a pleasure to pop in and see what treasures you have brought home from the Op-Shop – glad to see the bear family together again.
    Your Cataleya Orchids are awesome and so big! (DD has some but they don’t like Melbourne and refuse to flower.)
    ‘Till next week, Cheers Wendy

  4. Neame says:

    I love your photos of the local flora and fauna – so exotic for me living near Portland, Oregon, USA. And the color choices for your LE seem to reflect your environment – so lovely. Thank you for your soooo interesting blog.

  5. Esther Aliu says:

    Glenda you always have so much to report, I adore your little baby with her own baby, this is so wonderful, you just have to turn a blind eye to the smashing dolly in the face part! I think its a super idea to have extra large lego because small lego is a torture to step on!! You home looks so warm and full of children, I wonder how you find the time to come online as well as moderate in the Group, you really do so much for so many people. I have to say that I am completely in awe of your orchid, especially so that it bloomed in your garden, how wonderful. My DD is very keen on orchids but its so hard to get them flourishing in Melbourne. I have to admit that I didn’t know they could fragrance, so that is really something special. As for your bugs, I am too squeemish and didn’t read those parts. I hope you will be feeling better soon, and that your eye is’t causing you too much discomfort. Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend. Oh and of course, I should mention at least something to do with quilting??! Well I think that bear quilt is too cute and reminds me that I have a few baby tops I need to finish but keep putting off, at this rate they will be so outdated that I might never even need to finish them!!

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