WOW 1 May 2013 linking with Esther

I’ve just realised it is the 1st May!!!!!!!  Happy May Day every one?????

Last night I pulled out a UFO

First 7 squares are completed; then the next 5 I have done the 5 stages I go through to complete a square; I did these to day to show you how I do them?????

that has been on the go for too many years???????  I often wonder why it never gets finished as I really enjoy making up these Quilt as you go squares. I have made many of these quilts over the years but this one never seems to go any where???? hopefully I will at least get these 5 squares done before it again disappears in to the back benches!!!!!!

I usually use kimono fabric when making these, it can be wool, cotton,  or silk. Kimono fabric is usually 14inch wide

Kimono fabric comes on a roll when new and is usually 14" wide and 7 metres long

so I cut off 28″ of fabric fold this in 1/2 and sew around the 3 sides leaving a tiny opening and then turn the pocket I have made inside out and I have a square which I fold  like the photo below, which ends up around  6 3/4″ square.

Roll of Kimono fabric 14" wide. I have cut off 28" and finally ended up with a 6 3/4" square ready to turn in to a quilt as you go completed square, I end up with 5 thickness of fabric and the wadding when each square is completed so they are very warm if I use a wool fabric for the pockets and silk for the colouring!!!!! In the first square you can see a wooden bead I have slid in to the part of the seam I left unstitched to turn pocket inside out.

This after-noon I have been preparing 5 of these squares to  quilt may be tonight??????

First 7 squares completed, 8th waiting for the filling, 9th wadding added, 10th silk coloured fabric added, 11th flaps pinned down, 12th pinning back pinned down flaps to show fabric under neath which forms the petals of colour.

One completed quilted block

Centre of these blocks is first stitched down firmly.

Each petal is stitched through all 7 layers!!!!!!! so it is quilted as I make them this is not so easy been done by hand but I find it very relaxing, I have seen them sewn by machine too.

It has been wonderful to be working on something that looks like a quilt again??????

I did manage to make it twice to the beach today, for breakfast with my DGS 4 DGD 3months and beautiful DDIL. then lunch with a special friend. No garden photos to day as I have run out of time!!!!!

I’m off to link with Esther Alui at

Happy sttiching every one Cheers Glenda

PS Is there any one in OZ that is after Kaffe Fassett’s book

“Family Album knitting for Children and Adults”?????

This is a giveaway

I have a copy to give away, postage will be quiet a bit though as it is a hard back and heavy??????



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6 Responses to WOW 1 May 2013 linking with Esther

  1. Bunny says:

    Love your UFO nice for you to get back to sewing and relaxing. I love Kaffe Fassett I have done several of his quilts, but never seen his knitting books. I met him years ago at a lecture had my photo taken by a friend with him but never got a copy of it.
    He is so energetic and creative.

    • glenda says:

      I did a knitting course over 3 days in NZ about 20 years plus ago not long after he took up knitting what an inspiration he was to making wearable art knitting he blew us all away with his approach to knitting with dozens of threads in one garment. Will upload a photo of the first vest I made after his retreat. Hugs

  2. Esther says:

    Hi Glenda, well May snuck up on us quickly didn’t it?? This is beautiful work and I agree there is something so catchy about quilt as you go…I know I have one put aside somewhere in the WIP pile. Sounds like you had a beautiful day out, I’m amazed you still find the time to quilt with all the other exciting things going on in your life at the moment.

  3. Wendy says:

    Hi Glenda,
    Your Cathedral Windows UFO is timely! my DD has a bed runner in the planning stage for a gift for her BGF – somehow I don’t think it will be done by (this) June!!!!

  4. jennifer thornton says:

    I like your UFO I haven’t ever tried quilt as you go but this looks neat!!

  5. Jenny says:

    Love your cathedral windows, have only tried this once but your technique seems quite different, am amazed how much you fit into a day.
    Cheers Jenny

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