WIP’s with Esther http://www.estheraliu.blogspot.com.au/

WE are in to our dry season now and not much flowering except the Brom's and orchids.

Miniature cymbidium flowering all through the garden now.

Glenda to the rescue again, this will take me a few months to fix though??????

First stage!!!! all in pieces now ready for stripping and repairs done on the broken pieces of wood!!!!

Walked the beach before having break fast with my DS and DDL then we walked the beach again; HEAVEN!!!!!!

Trinity Beach this morning where I parked my car, many people were all ready swimming.

I walked to the end of the beach and then headed back, taken from the Northern end

It was picture perfect down on the beach this morning, only sorry I did not wear my bathing costume as it was so beautiful and the water so warm.

How beautiful the green sea grass flows on this rock sticking out of the sand as the waves pull back out to sea

Seen on one of the back streets as I drove tot he beach this morning.

Yellow at it's best!!!!!!!

I have two wee red-work squares to do for missing blocks in a group I belong too. One is nearly finished they a cute designs and I love working on them.

A missing replacement block I'm doing for some one nearly finished.

My girlfriend was over visiting a couple of weeks ago and saw this drunkards path centre of a bed quilt to be and loved it so I told her I would finish it for her; so there it lies where I hope it will motivate me back in to quilting???????  It is made from sun umbrella samples that were given to me by a Japanese lady who has a friend who makes sun umbrellas  in Japan!!!!!!! I machine sewed the circles on to calico squares then cut them all in to 1/4s then I had my drunkard 6 1/2 in blocks and had lots of fun playing with them all till I had this end result.!!!!!!

Lying on my back bed room bed where I'm hoping it will motivate me to finish it???????????????

While down at the beach this morning I meet another quilter who works as a volenteer at the local Opp Shop. We talked together for about 15 mins and it turned out we both made quilt bags. I came home and kept thinking about quilting, wrote my blog then sat down and cut out 16 hexagons for a wee project I’m meant to be working on, then thought about Janet’s quilt and went in to the cupboard to look at kimono’s for some fabric for it, there right at the top was the kimono I needed. I sat down and for 1 hour unpicked enough fabric to get a feeling for the boarder. It will work beautifully, I now need some black to add a 1  1/2 inch strip first then this boarder of Kimono fabric. I think I may have my quilting Mojo back!!!!!!!!  Just one talk with another quilt was what I needed??????

A little motivation can go a long way!!!!!!

May be tomorrow if I can get my wee Janome to sew I will start putting it all together????? My Bernina is in at the Dr’s and I’m lost with out it!!!!!!!!

A touch of black!!!!!!!!

So I may be back on the bike at last???????

Well that’s it for to day, finally back blogging but not sure for how long. Cheers Glenda

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4 Responses to WIP’s with Esther http://www.estheraliu.blogspot.com.au/

  1. jennifer says:

    Love the quilt!! The colors are great. I enjoy reading your blog each week I love all the photos especially of the beach I used to live in the shetland Isles in the uk and I really miss the ocean so I love to see others photos brings me back home for a little while!!
    Hope you have a great week.

  2. Heidi says:

    Hi Glenda, great pictures, all of them, love the the green seagrass, never seen anything like this. Also love the yellow blooming tree. Hope you’re doing well these days. Take care, Heidi

  3. Bunny says:

    Love all the photos especially the beach. It is getting chilly here the start of Fall, the leaves are starting to tun colours now. It won’t be long and we will be in our snowy weather. Love the quilt happy you got your mojo back.

  4. Esther says:

    Glenda, how do you always manage to do so much??? Love your pics. I haven’t touched any sewing this week…again…but I do love the look of that mossy rock.

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