Little Hazel Design by Esther Aliu and others 2nd March 2016

A lovely surprise this morning from Heidi in the USA  how wonderful it is when some one sends you a unexpected gift and hand made?  This little owl is a potholder but far to nice for that so will use him as a place mat instead on my workstation table.

A lovely surprise this morning from Heidi in the USA how wonderful it is when some one sends you a unexpected gift and hand made? This little owl is a potholder but far to nice for that so will use him as a place mat instead on my workstation table.

This wee postcard has to be seen to believe she is so so adorable, lots of added cute applications have been added all very personal I LOVE it.

This wee postcard has to be seen to believe she is so so adorable, lots of added cute applications have been added all very personal I LOVE it.

I wanted to make a special secret project this year and was not sure how to go about it,  I also did not want to start any more projects other than the ones I had all ready planned then thought why not make Little Hazel by Esther it is a stunning exciting design and that would be my starting point;  I could kill two birds with one stone????? For about 4 weeks I have been thinking about making Little Hazel, thinking “What if”  so off I went Saturday and started playing and have not been able to stop since.  I’m not a fast sewer so I’m only at the laying out stage at present, I was amazed to see some one had made part 1 and Part 2 of Hazel in less than a day?????

I cut out a window in the star shape and i could then see what I was going to end  up with.

I cut out a window using some A4 paper in the star shape and I could then see what I was going to end up with.


I wanted each star to have different fabrics but be in harmony with each other

I wanted each star to have different fabrics but be in harmony with each other

Having fun making up 8 different colours of 4 for 8 star shapes

Having fun making up 4 different coloured strips 10inchs long  to cut out  8 star shapes, 10inchs gives me lots of length to play with.

starting to place my diamonds together

Starting to place my diamonds together, this was late Sat evening and I was to tired to make any more so took this photo at night time, interesting how night light changes the colours so much.

I have a star?

I have a star?

adding a corner stone using parts of a 41/2 inch 16patch block left over from a project.

adding a corner stone using parts of a 6 1/2 inch 16patch block left over from a project.

a circle is forming will it work????

a circle is forming will it work????

Looking interesting!

Looking interesting!


After all that I think it will be what I was after LOL

After all that I thinking it worked LOL

I will use green in the next stage so laying it on a green back ground.

I will use green in the next stage so laying it on a green back ground.

What a difference the green back ground makes????

What a difference the green back ground makes????

I have also been working on my PNG quilt and Love Entwined,  I have prepped all the leaves and flowers for two corners of the PNG quilt and slowly appliquéing my zig zags down on LE.  So not much time to get bored.

All my leaves and hearts to make the flower are basted ready for me to start appliquéing this morning after I have visited some of the links on Esther's blog.

All my leaves and hearts to make the flower are basted ready for me to start appliquéing this morning after I have visited some of the links on Esther’s blog.

Still appliquéing those zigzags on my LE may be this week I will start appliquéing my Dutch Pixies?

Still appliquéing those zigzags on my LE may be this week I will start appliquéing my Dutch Pixies?

I took the garden photos around 7.30am this morning.


Looking up in to the canopy.

Looking up in to the canopy.


All photos taken early this morning.

All photos taken early this morning around 7.30am


Thanks for dropping in visitors are all ways fun; Im now off to link with Esther on her WIPs or WOW today and work on my  PHD love this one and love saying it when people who are not quilters ask me “But what do you DO?”  I say  “I’m always working on my PHD” Projects Half Done. LOL

read about some one else’s quilting journey.

Thank you for dropping in to my little part of this amazing world.

Cheers Glenda

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16 Responses to Little Hazel Design by Esther Aliu and others 2nd March 2016

  1. Karen says:

    love how you show what you are working on and how you pick out colors – that is a good one!

  2. Maggie says:

    Dear Glenda

    Love your Little Hazel. Those squares make it into something unique. LE is my escape. While I have to get other things done, I mull over what I want to do on it. We are getting so much snow, it is not funny. Your garden give me so much hope, Spring will not be to far of.


  3. Chris says:

    I love your process. Makes me want to jump right in and make one too.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Chris it sure is a challenge for me and lots of fun at the same time. I have designed part two in my mind and have 1/2 of it done, so by the 15th when part 3 is launched I will be on track. Sounds like it is cold your way while we are in 32C. Cheers Glenda

  4. Gretchen says:

    Green grass!!!!! That is only a dream here. Keep plugging away at LE and she will be completed someday. Your Hazel is going to be lovely. Have a great day! Gretchen

    • glenda says:

      My LE sits constantly not far away at present, but working on Sweet 16 at present it is a lot of fun and light relief sewing a change from my other projects that really make me think. I have to keep up my Little Hazel Gretchen as it has a time date to deliver on it ???? Hugs

  5. Little Hazel is looking so gorgeous! You’re obviously having fun with your other projects as well. Gotta remember my PHD! I love that response.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Jennifer thanks for dropping in to look at my blog. Yes my PHD comment all ways stump them LOL Cheers Glenda

  6. Julie Griswold says:

    Hi Glenda, it has been awhile since I wrote but things have been busy around here and the weather nasty. We had heavy rains and 60 mile an hour winds yesterday–not a day to be outside. Your little Hazel is going to be gorgeous and your take on Esther’s pattern is unusual as always. Can’t wait to see the next step. Take care and enjoy the sunshine . Julie

    • glenda says:

      Hi there Julie how lovely to see your name here, love it when you drop in. Sound like you are having quiet a storm???? Gretchen is having a blizzard up North. I have only seen and felt one blizzard in Saute St Maries Canada one winter and I never want to be in another. That windchill factor is unbelievable, I have never had so much pain in my head? now here Im living in a climate where our average winter temp is around 18C LOL Hugs Glenda

  7. oh Glenda, such interesting quilting! And the photos! LEeAnna

    • glenda says:

      LeeAnna I all ways enjoy visiting your own blog, there is always so much vibrant colour every where; and endless wee tutorial’s which are fun to see. Thanks for dropping in Cheers Glenda

  8. What great sayings: PHD, I must start using that one! And – “read about someone else’s quilting journey”, love them both!

    Nice to meet you, I will be back to visit again!

    Barbara xx

    • glenda says:

      Hi Barbara thanks for dropping in, enjoy using PHD its a lot of fun. For those of you who like making small and different bags check out Barbara’s blog she has made this cute wee needle bag carrier and her blog is a treat to visit.

  9. Jenny says:

    Your little hazel looks beautiful, love how you have combined both stripes and squares into your design. love seeing yur garden photo’s. Hugs Jenny

    • glenda says:

      Thanks Jenny for the comment on Little Hazel, it sure is a challenge for me and very very good for the brain LOL. Your frog quilt is stunning, each frog has such a personality they make me smile or laugh. LOL garden is beautiful at present as we have had no wet so they are lovely and clean, but it is terrible for the farmers and the rainforest but great for the tourists and the gardens? All ways there is a yen and yang. hugs Glenda

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