Colour in the garden now that it has stopped raining Sept 9th 2015


Finally finished appliquéing the cirlces on to the background centre fabric of

I have Finally finished appliquéing the circle’s on to the background centre fabric of Sara Jeans quilt now to add the top blocks and finish machine appliquéing the sheep to the bottom panel.  Just have to find time LOL

UPDATE  Thursday 10th Sept 2015 12am

Trimmed the blue-work blocks to 10 1/2 "s then cut the

Yesterday I trimmed the blue-work blocks to 10 1/2 “s then joined then adding the green borders and then attached them to the main part of the quilt this morning , finally the top part of Sara’s quilt  is complete.

Last night I did herringbone stitch around one of the

Last night I sat and did herringbone stitch around each of the patches on one of the crazy patchwork blocks I find this very very relaxing, pulling coloured threads randomly and watching the blocks come a live.  Its like they are been framed and the fabric pops out in all its glory even if it is simple fabric.

Flowers from the Jade vine a local forest creeper

Flowers from the Jade vine a local forest creeper

When you see theses flowers your mind finds it difficult to believe they re natural

When you first  see theses flowers your mind finds it difficult to believe they are natural

These spiky plants take about 10 to 20 years to flower then they die, they love the harsh dry conditions

Photo taken down at he beach this morning. These spiky plants take about 17 to 20 years to flower then they die, this one has flowered and is slowly dying, you can see a young plant may be 10 years old at the base of it; they love the harsh dry conditions, the ones behind are flowering and you can see their tall tall flower stalks, from a distance they look like tall bamboo.

When they do finally flower the flower can reach up to

When they do finally flower the flower stalk can reach up to  6 to 8 metres high this one is covered in baby plants and it is soooooo heavy it has fallen over with the weight of the baby plants 100s and 100s of them.

here we have one of the little

Here we have one of the little plants fallen to the ground and has every chance it will grow, bulb is about the size of a pingpong ball.

One of our local orchids, it has a heavenly smell and is growing in our garden.

One of our local orchids, it has a heavenly smell and is growing in our garden.

Stunning colour

Stunning colour

Miniature cymbidian orchid

Miniature cymbidian orchid






Off  now to join up with Esther on her WOW

Thank you for dropping in and hope you all had more time to sew the last week than I have.   Cheers Glenda

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10 Responses to Colour in the garden now that it has stopped raining Sept 9th 2015

  1. Bunny says:

    Love your quilt top nice for you to have some stitching time. Oh my the nature class I always enjoy. Years ago I bought a beautiful bromalaid but it lasted for years but only flower I had was the one it had when I bought it. I loved it. Too difficult to keep here though. Certainly would not do well here outside.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Bunny, I did find time to sew this morning as I did not go down to the beach, I trimmed the blue-work blocks in to 10 1/2″ blocks for Sarah’s quilt, joined them together then attached them to the top of the quilt so it is slowly growing in to a quilt top. Tonight I sat embroidering in herringbone a crazy quilt square and now fell like I have achieved some thing and how lovely it was to be stitching again. I also spent an hour painting the front of the unit down stairs and hope to start on the side wall tomorrow where I’m fixing up a quiet spot in the garden. Hugs Glenda

  2. Gretchen says:

    The flowers are beautiful Glenda. Simply lovely. Hope you get time to sew this week. Blessings, Gretchen

    • glenda says:

      Morning Gretchen, like you the garden and outside is calling me now the rain has stopped and so my sewing is been put on the back burner, but I did manage to do a couple of machine sewing this morning some thing I don’t enjoy but need to do at times when adding borders to quilts. Every where I go at present around where I live you see cascades of colour, from exotic flowering trees to waterfalls of vines in colours that are unbelievable. This will last around 3 months till the rains come again end of Nov or December. I dropped in to your blog earlier on and your DJ quilting is so so beautiful, wow what even even tiny wee quilting stitches. Your DJ is going to be awesome. Hugs Glenda

  3. Jenny says:

    Hi Glenda, those jade vine flowers are exquisite and your orchids, how they must love your climate. Sarah Janes quilt is looking adorable, hope you find some time for stitching. Hugs Jenny

    • glenda says:

      Dear Jenny, like you it is difficult at present to find time for sewing, we had such a long long wet this year and it could start again in 3 months so I’m trying to catch up with all the gardening before it starts again and cleaning the paint work to add new paint, washing down walls with exit mould, washing endless plastic blinds we use during the wet to keep the rain off the verandas it seems to be never ending LOL. One thing one never gets bored around here. I keep thinking about my 4th LE centre flower arrangement but each time I almost get to pull it out some thing happens with the family or life in general and it stays there????? Yours is looking so so beautiful. Hugs from OZ

  4. Plum Cox says:

    What wonderful photos you share with us – thank you! Amazing how many plants one single bloom can make, isn’t it?
    Hope you find some stitching time!

    • glenda says:

      Dear Plum these exotic plants and flowers are so motivating when it comes to quilting, they influence my choice of colour of course, I keep trying to make a taupe coloured quilt but it ends up vibrant every time LOL. I see by your blog you are thinking of making the 1718 Coverlett what a challenge but how lovely to make all those tiny blocks well most of them are tiny, I studied that quilt when it was out here in OZ and sketched many of the blocks thinking about making it up, but I have run out of time to make one as I want to finish off some of my 1930’s quilts I have that need restoring and finishing. Hows the new sewing room going????? It must be lovely having all that space back again. Hugs Glenda

  5. Karen says:

    some of the plants and flowers that you show in natural surroundings are ones we only see for sale in the shops. So pretty to see them where they grow outside naturally. I love that jade flower.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Karen, where we lived in NZ we grew cymbidium orchids for export in long shade houses and we had a glass house where we use to grow these exotic flowers and plants for our personal enjoyment and now we have them growing wild here in our garden in OZ!!!!!!! every year when the Jade vine flowers I look at in awe and marvel at nature. When I was a child of around 8 in NZ one of my school friends brought a rose that colour to school that rose bush is still in the same garden 60 years later!!!! and would you believe that that girl rang me two nights ago out of the blue. Hugs Glenda

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