Whats in your top sewing machine draw????? 20th August 2015

I’m running late to link with Esther this week, have been down with a virus,  missed last week as my family needed me most of the week,  I have been checking in on Esther’s blog http://www.estheraliu.blogspot.com/  she is showing us how she is making her beautiful Omar’s Blues quilt but that is the only quilting I have done for a couple of weeks.

I tipped out my top sewing draw today as yesterday I was looking for something that should have been in there but I could not see it, when you look at the below photo you will see why I could not see it LOL.  There was every thing in this draw but what should have been does any one else have a draw like mine????

Would you believe all this came out of my top draw??????  only about

Would you believe all this came out of my top draw?????? only about 1/10th should have been in there. there were there were 22 screws in there and only one of them for a sewing machine LOL. 10 empty plastic bags!!!!  even a china knob from a brass bed?????  1/2 a butterfly metal belt !!!

This is all that should have been in there???????

This is all that should have been in there???????  now I can place items that should be in there like my bobbins and machine needles which sit on top of my sewing area!!!!!!!

My bobbins and needles are now in the draw and my rubbish bin is full LOL.  I should now do my other 2 draws but I’m not going to, its time to play with material.

Last night I did a running stitch around 4 of my Annabelle circles ready to roll the edges around a circle of cardboard to make a nice edge for appliquéing them to the background of a quilt WIP.

My delightful Annabelle every time I look at this wee vreature

My delightful Annabelle every time I look at this wee creature she makes me smile. She is designed by Michele at A Simple Thread

Right hand block turned under ready to be

Right hand block turned under ready to be appliquéd .

Splashes of colour in the garden this morning. 20150820_105706 20150820_105726 20150820_105737 20150820_105829 20150820_10585920150820_105959 20150820_110049 20150820_110135 20150820_110147 20150820_110204


For you Karen.  This is where I put the lounge sofa yesterday, I just need to find time to use it now LOL

For you Karen. This is where I put the lounge sofa yesterday, I just need to find time to use it now LOL

Our front parch was covered in mould and yesterday I attacked it with E

All the white paint of our front parch was covered in mould and yesterday I attacked it with exit mould the only thing that will get rid of it, it has to be sprayed on and left and it kills the bug till the next wet season comes and a new one grows.

I'm about 1/2 way

I’m about 1/2 way through cleaning off the mould on the front of the house.  If you are able to zoom in on the photos you can see in the right and left hand corner at the top of the photo the mould is still there, this is not as bad as what the rest was like yesterday morning.  I have cleaned the walls and the middle section in the photo. 

Off now to link up with Esther’s WOW http://www.estheraliu.blogspot.com/  For the last two weeks Esther has been showing us how she is assembling her beautiful Omar’s Blues quilt step by step that she designed and is a free BOM at present. Such a beautiful beautiful quilt.

Thank you for dropping in. Cheers Glenda Australia.


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8 Responses to Whats in your top sewing machine draw????? 20th August 2015

  1. Karen says:

    so love all your plants and your applique how cute!! I have sewing drawers just like yours LOL – I will need to take photos of them to show you are not the only one 🙂

    • glenda says:

      Oh Karen you sure have made me feel a lot better knowing you are as bad as I am with stuffed draws LOL My personal draws are so neat but those sewing draws?????.. Garden is full of exotic colour and shaped flowers at present it is so lovely to stroll around it all; finally the rain has stopped for the flowers to bloom and the birds and butterflies to dance amongst them all. Its a lovely time to sit and dream out there. I just need to find time to take my hand sewing out there and enjoy it, yesterday I did move a sofa out on to the front veranda now that it has stopped raining and may be I will get to use it LOL. Cheers Glenda

  2. Maggie says:

    Dear Glenda

    I hope you are feeling much better. I can see you are working hard, most of us has drawers that has everything in it, that it should not have! Annabelle is beautiful, I have a soft brown bunny on my bedside table. Bunnies have a special place in my life, had a few as pets growing up. Maybe today you will get a chance to sit and put your feet up on the couch?

    • glenda says:

      Hi Maggie, was interested to read your special place for Bunnies, Would you believe I sat out on the sofa this morning, varnished my nails and read a magazine while they dried some thing I never do!!!!! I did take some sewing but never picked it up, may be tomorrow LOL. Hugs Glenda

    • glenda says:

      Hi Gretchen, its interesting how quilters from all around the globe mention how different their climate in the last few years, ours has been very very different from when we moved here 20 years ago, a lot colder and wetter through what was our dry season. I dropped in to your blog a couple of days ago and your Cherry Blossom quilt is going to be lovely; I have not seen that design of Karens, so I went and visited her blog and caught up so thanks for that. Cheers Glenda

  3. Gretchen says:

    Your little Annabelle’s are so cute. Your applique looks so nice. Your spring flowers are beautiful.
    We’re having a taste of fall today, in August! This is unusual, I actually wore a flannel shirt out to the barn this morning. The weather this year just has been strange.
    Glad you are feeling better and hope you have some sewing time today.

  4. Jenny says:

    I remember when you started making your Annabelle’s, they are so cute and I love seeing what is happening in your garden. Get someone to take a photo of you “resting” on your verandah couch, it may help your recovery from the virus.
    As for your sewing drawers, mine were just like yours until I got my new sewing room. Now they are pristine – why – because everything is still in the old drawers that are now in the office, when I want something I shift it to it’s proper home and leave the mess in the office drawers !!!! Hugs Jenny

  5. Esther Aliu says:

    Oh dear, I’m not going to tip out my own drawer, OK? It’s a magical drawer, things go in and keep going in, but if I ever tipped it out, none of it would fit again!

    Your Annabelle mice blocks are so adorable, they really make me smile. What a nice porch you have set up, perfect for a spot of sewing..

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