Cyclone ITA April 12th 2014

Cyclone ITA it has been raining all night so the River Barron is flooded power down, range is closed but we are all safe. Cyclone is meant to pass us around 4pm this after noon.

ITA April 2014 9.30am cyclone is now down loaded to a category 2 so we are very lucky We have a generator that is big enough to run a couple of fridges and freezers and the best part my sewing light so guess what I have been working on this morning ????? Yes LE. so LE is even going through a cyclone with me!!!!! LOL. Hubby has even managed to connect us for now to the internet as he has hooked us to the mobile battery pack. So sending news out through my blog when I can.

It is windy with strong gusts hitting us constantly but mild compared to when the cyclone will pass us.  It is quiet a few hrs away so if we are lucky it will be down graded and move further inland.

There is a Mini car buried under all that gear we have stored out of Cyclone ITA way ????

Look hard and you can see his Mini????

Wild rain

Sai's fish pond looks rather sad and has a wee river running down the side of it as the rain is bucketing down still.

Good news I have time to work on my LE !!!!!

Appliqued down my two yellow flowers and main flower this morning, now cutting out my 8 hearts and will work on them this after-noon. It helps keep my mind of the rain and wind.

I was sitting at my sewing table this after-noon in front of my large window I can not look out as my neighbours bamboo has come down on to our side of the fence, lucky the Giant bamboo has come down on to her own side.

LE hearts I have basted 8 hearts over washaway freezer paper this afternoon now I need to pin them in place and appliqué them on to night.

We lost a lovely Giant tree last night on the side of the rainforest we sit beside. ATA has changed course and at present will pass just above us around 8pm to night so we will have more trees coming down now even though it is down to a category 1

Front Patio 4.30pm 12th April we are very lucky as our block of land for some reason is sheltered. Just 30 meters away at the Same time see below

4,30pm taken the same time as the above this is the street that goes past our door. At the bend in the road at 4pm a large tree came down .

Large tree has come down and brought several little ones with it plus the power lines some locals clearing the trees??????

For the first time I can see the river again as far as you can see there is water, The Barron River is in full flood.

4.45pm 12th April 2014 2 metres under that water in the fore ground you can usually see a small creek that runs from our property in to the Barron River ?????

I wonder what to night will bring, cyclone was fore casted to cross us direct around 8pm but is is now swinging back out to sea so if we are lucky it will.  Time will tell.



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2 Responses to Cyclone ITA April 12th 2014

  1. Karen says:

    your storm looks bad but it also looks like you are prepared! We too keep generators for when we loose power because of storms – if it isn’t in the winter from ice storms it is in the spring from the bad thunderstorms. It is nice to be able to still be connected to the world because you have a generator – I hope the storm passes you by and you will not have any worse!

  2. Jenny says:

    Hi Glenda, so glad to hear that Ita lost her strength and changed course enough to not do serious damage. Can’t believe you got the mini onto the deck, I think it’s on your deck anyway. Know Steve would try and do the same with his toy if we had the same forecast.
    So sad for you to lose a giant tree that has stood for years, in your climate rejuvenation of the rain forest will be fairly fast.
    Your LE is looking beautiful, love your change of vase fabric.
    Happy stitching and cleaning up, Hugs Jenny

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