WOW 16th Jan 2013 with Esther


My time on Wed 16th I spent mostly lying down or sitting down watching heroes??????   My knees and hips decided I had been on them to much and refused to support me so it was a what I call, a no day, nothing got done, not even hand sewing as I felt to sore.  Now it is Thursday here and Wednesday in the other 1/2 of the world,  this morning I spent most of the morning emptying out our large fridge freezer ready for a another one to be delivered it is a replacement, this is the 3rd one in 3 months !!!!!!!!! I hope this one keeps on working????

I did mange to pull out my LE yesterday our Wednesday and lay it out on my work table after been put away for over 6 weeks. All the families are now tucked in to their own homes and I hope to be able to find time to work on my LE this week again.

Finally I have been able to pull out my LE and I have it back on my work bench.

I also managed to printer off my next flower arrangement, the stems are slashed ready to mark my stems and hopefully tomorrow I will add some stems.

I have downloaded and printed part 8 it sure is going to make our LE centres a lot bigger adding them but I’m a long way off making part 8 but I can still dream and lay it out to see what I have a head of me. LOL.

2 hrs ago one of the Opp Shop ladies dropped off a bag full of what I thought was wool, with a note attached that read  One of you ladies might like to finish these??????

These were in the bag under the wool which was on top??????? There are enough squares if I finished the last two to make a lovely child's cuddly .

These centres have an unusally raised centres. Each square is around 14 1/2 Inches and the wool is so lovely and soft.

No garden or beach photo’s this week have not had time.

Off to link with Esther before  it closes.

Cheers Glenda




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2 Responses to WOW 16th Jan 2013 with Esther

  1. Karen says:

    hope you are feeling much better – it is not fun when our knees and/or hips don’t feel right! I’m not sure when will be back to LE but I keep saving all the directions and printing them out.

  2. jennifer thornton says:

    Hope you are feeling some better now. Lovely crochet blocks they really will make a lovely childs blanket.

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