WOW or WIP’s with Esther 26th June 2019

Where is this going to take me???

Where is this going to take me???

This block ended up been the first one to get its stemwaves and fish !!!

This block ended up been the first one to get its stemwaves and fish !!!

Added bubbles as I don’t have near enough fish and it also needed some depth added to this border?

Added bubbles as I don’t have near enough fish and it also needed some depth added to this border?

Right now sitting appliqueing down the first stem wave, using a contrasting thread to define the eagle of the stemwave?

Right now 10.45pm I’m sitting appliqueing down the first stem wave, using a contrasting thread to define the eagle of the stemwave?

Close up using featherstitch to applique the stemwave down!

Close up using featherstitch to applique the stemwave down!

Hello All,  this year  is disappearing so fast, I think I have only blogged 50% of the weeks ?  So going to try and record more on what I’m doing quilting wise any way.

some times something extra special happens when you need it the most, this happened to me on Monday After-noon after been in to the city for a MRI I arrived home sore cold and feeling sorry for myself LOL  there was a parcel in the mail, I opened it and there was this lovely Gift for me???

A special friend had sent me a flannel minky???  I Wrapt myself in it and was instantly warm and felt so special!?   Thank you Nancy so MUCH !

A special friend had sent me a flannel minky??? I Wrapt myself in it and was instantly warm and felt so special!? Thank you Nancy so MUCH for all ways been there for us? 

I’ve  just had a birthday and was so spoilt,  my sons gave me new tools!!!  What more could a quilter wish for?   First was a Large cutting sheet,


This new cutting board is the best board I’ve ever used once laid on the table it does not move? has a wonderful surface very smooth but the fabric does not move once placed,wonderful for free motioncutting? Notice my new suction handle and the old one that just was NOT practical at All on any thing bigger than 6inchs?

then in the mail arrived a glass suction handle???


I laughed when I first saw how big and heavy it was but I stopped laughing when I sucked it on to my long cutting ruler, it added so much stability to the ruler, it was so much easier to line up on my fabric. Lines up so easy then cutting is a breeze.  This is a real glass suction holder!!! But works like a gem on my ruler, buy one if you have arthritis in your hands cutting will be come a breeze again?

and a Stripology Ruler.


First  I went online and watched several utube demo on how I could use it, I was about to start lining  up my 4 patch beginners and enders  so thought may be I could use my new Stripology It worked like a charm after lineing up 9 blocks the cutting was a breeze,  you just have to put the blade in on a slight angle and slice Bingo in a few minutes I had 9 squares done?

Both have proven to give me a lot more control over my cutting now my hands have osteoporosis.   I’m truly blessed with my boys

Next new toy was hair Straighteners???  Two came in to the Opp Shop I work in, we get a lot handed in?  Just before going to work I had been sneaking a few moments ironing 2 toned leaves together and had a burnt finger from doing it?  While testing the  hair straightening irons I picked up a piece of fabric that was on the table where I was sorting the goods and press it with the hair iron to see how hot it was?  A light bulb moment, how would this go at ironing those wee leaves together?


I bought both irons home and both worked like a charm?


Both irons had a very smooth teplon finish so the iron on fussing does not stick to the iron?


in no time I had all those little leaves done


back view.

Esther mention she had a new work table and her family was saying NO more tables?  I looked around at my work tables?


My big work table see left hand back corner up against the wall is another table so I can make this work area big enough for a king size quilt to be sandwiched for quilting?


MY ironing table which I’ve just placed a new Kingsize sheet on fold in to 6 layers,  when they get too stained or gluey, I wash them and add a new sheet,  I buy them from Opp Shops when I see them?  Those two hair irons I tried out and they work so well, also great for pulling bias through if it needs pressing again?


my Free standing ironing board and small table on wheels?   And I still want more tables LOL. Once I just had a very small kitchen tableLOL.

Thank you for visiting and reading this far LOL.  Going to link with Esther’s WOW or WIP’s now.  Cheers Glenda.

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4 Responses to WOW or WIP’s with Esther 26th June 2019

  1. Karen says:

    love all your new toys! I could use a mat that doesn’t move on the table and the suction up thing!

    • glenda says:

      Hi Karen, that window suction is a MUST for arthritis hands. Try the hardware shops? Will check on the name of the mat for you that Jon gave me> I have all the tolls now so rotary life is easy again? Just need to find lots of timeLOL Cheers Glenda

  2. Alison says:

    As always, a lovely full and interesting post. So glad you can find tools that keep you quilting for us to enjoy.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Alison lovely to see you. Went in to day surgery 2 months ago and had cortisone injections in my spine and some in my thumb too and now able to use scissors again, so busy cutting out tiny shapes again what bliss, cutting out fish this month LOL Cheers Glenda

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