WOW or WIPs with Esther 11th May 2016

Yesterday I spent several hours hand sewing my tiny 4 1/2 inch Quilty circles together. stood back to gloat as I had achieved so much then realised I had pinned most of them incorrect!!!!  So I then spent an hour unpicking them all?????  Thank goodness I don’t do this to often but it does teach me to check and check again for several months LOL  Last night I sat and sewed those wee blocks all back together and this time in the right order!

My final 90 wee quilty364 blocks cut out waiting to have a thread run around t

Number 3 quilt to be of quilty364 circle blocks cut out waiting to have a thread run around them to pull as this gives the perfect smooth edge for appliquéing them to the tiny blocks.  I do not have any more back ground fabric so my last 90 circles will have a different back ground but as it will be a quilt at 90 blocks it wont matter so much.  But I have loved using this lovely natural silk as it has so many shades of grey running through it from almost white to almost black.  These blocks will take me up to Sept so Im very happy and can just relax and enjoy making them.

Quilty364 blocks I was working on yesterday sewing to

Number 2 quilt in progress. I knew I was running out of back ground fabric but scrapped every wee scrap of fabric and sewed them together to make the last wee blocks some even made of 4 pieces of fabric, then to my horror when I laid them all out I was ONE short.  No mater how often I went back to the cutting table and my other work table were the other 90 were I could not find an extra one????? Finally I sat down with a strong coffee at my sewing spot and tried to convince my self I would work some thing out and there in front of me was the last wee circle and square I had not finished appliquéing???????  So that hole is now filled LOL

The last piece of the zigzaw added!

The last piece of the zigzaw added!  My goodness I was such a Happy-Chappy when I saw that last square.

Playing with fabrics to may be make the swirl block?

Playing with fabrics to may be make the swirl block?  I cut out the block and make windows and it is a great way to see roughly what it will look like.

Still playing with the swirl blocks

Still playing with the swirl blocks

Centre is finally sewn to the 4 corners. Now I just need to hand sew the black bias down and it is finished.

Centre is finally sewn to the 4 corners. Now I just need to hand sew the black bias down and it is finished.

I stopped working on this quilt to be as it felt to dark for me, and after sitting there for several mon

I stopped working on this quilt to be as it felt to dark for me, and after sitting there for several months while I was looking for some black fabric during the week found these 3 Australian fabrics so my NZ quilt has become an ANZ quilt.

close up.

Close up of those fabrics so all been well this quilt will start to grow again now.

Nothing more to share sewing wise as I spent all my time on my Quilty364 circles this week.

In the garden this morning.

A little local wild sweet pea

A little local wild sweet pea

Desert rose

Desert rose

My mum use to grow these indoors and was so proud of them, here they grow wild out doors.

My mum use to grow these indoors and was so proud of them, here they grow wild out doors.

A lovely weeping display of ferns, around 7 different ones growing here.

A lovely weeping display of ferns, around 7 different ones growing here.


looking up under the fern there is a stag horn tucked up under the birdsnest fern.

looking up under the fern there is a stag horn tucked up under the birdsnest fern.

A couple of creepy crawlies for those who like them???? LOL

Found this tiny strange creatur in my sink yesterday he is now back out side some where.

Found this tiny strange creature in my sink yesterday he is now back out side some where.

Our 3 baby insect bats are now almost the same size as their parents taken last night on my

Our 3 baby insect bats are now almost the same size as their parents taken last night on my door divider the other one was hanging to them from behind the curtain?  It was dark and I shone my torch on them to take the photo,  they are use to me now and just stayed there.  They are all about 2 inchs long now.  They live on mosquitos so we like to see them here as they eat thousands a night.

Off to link with Esther now on her WOW or WIP.

This is were I find my lessons and ideas from.  It is So wonderful to visit other quilters from all around the world and share.

Thank you for dropping in and I wish you time to sew and enjoy this wonderful world of quilting.

Cheers Glenda

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9 Responses to WOW or WIPs with Esther 11th May 2016

  1. Karen says:

    just love all your projects and plants but so glad we do not have your creepy crawlies! some of ours are bad enough. Sometimes a cup of strong coffee is needed when our projects mess up. I so love your colors of circles and fabric you are using. Love the patchwork quilt you are working on too – and do I recognize Little Hazel? I am not making it as I have so many started but like seeing what all are doing in blogland

    • glenda says:

      Karen I’m sure you have some nasty creatures around your place to LOL. I must admit I would rather we did not have quiet so many snakes around us, I found a shredded skin in the front of my entrance on Monday, not sure where the snake is? Just hope he is a tree snake? Yes you are correct those were photos of a Little Hazel block I’m thinking about. Right now I’ve just machine sewn the corners to the centre now pinning the black bias tape around the last 1/2 of the centre and my centre will be ready for me to hand stitch the bias and it is finished. But it takes roughly 200 pins a 1/4 apart I have to have breaks from pinning as my back caves in. Hugs Glenda

  2. Chris says:

    Doesn’t it just drive you crazy when you are sure you counted correctly and cannot find that one? And then to find it right in front of you. Story of my life. So often I am looking for it just past where it is sitting. That insect with the 15 pairs of legs and 2 sets of antennae, or a cousin thereof, crawled across one of the blocks on my table the other night. We found one on one of our bathroom tropical plants. I guess that’s another thing we have in common.

  3. Gretchen says:

    Your circle project is so cute. I was tempted to start this project last December when I first saw it posted on line, but I talked myself out of it. I just don’t like to get too many project going at one time. I’m enjoying watching your progress on Hazel and the 9-patch blocks. Still getting rain here. Planting season has come to a complete stop in our area. I’m so thankful that we aren’t receiving this moisture as snow! And I enjoy seeing green grass, spring green grass is such a lush color and I can’t describe it. Very different from the green in summer. Enjoy your sewing! Blessings, Gretchen

    • glenda says:

      Hi Gretchen, I know what you mean about the new green grass, I remember the first soft green on the willow trees beside the river as a child after winter in NZ where I grew up, I would watch every morning as I walked to school and marvel at the softness of those first green leaves gently waving in the wind with the sun catching the leaves and making them shimmer too, even though I was a child it struck me as some thing magical and special. I still to this day love the first signs of trees awakening but now were we live I very really see this happen and miss it. Hugs Glenda

  4. Maggie says:

    You have been busy, sewing up a storm. Love the baby bats!

    • glenda says:

      Maggie This week I felt like I sewed all week and had nothing to show for it LOL. For the first time in months I made. A big boo boo and spent an hour unpicking which is much more difficult than sewing when you are using silks as your stitches are so small.I’ll be a lot more careful and check twice for a few months till I for get again LOL. When I go out side at night times I have to carry a torch to make sure I don’t knock the bats as they now hang in some funny unusual places like my door curtains! I’m thinking the babies will be chased away soon by the parents as they are getting to be about the same size as the parents. I will miss seeing them. Hugs Glenda.

  5. Ann says:

    Grey silk. No wonder your background is so beautiful. It sets off the circles perfectly. I like your mix of solid and print circles and the size variations. This simple project has truly blossomed in the hands of each maker. I enjoy seeing what everyone else creates.
    Love the bats. We had some in Texas for a while and they sure kept the bugs in check.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Ann, I have spent a lot of time in Japan and over the years have collected fabric from there, silks,cotton, and wool, many are scraps from left over Kimonos so this is a wonderful way for me to use those lovely fabrics as they are all such beautiful pieces. Unfortunately I only have enough of the grey silk to make 3 small wall quilts Sotheby’s 4th one will have a different back ground. Cheers Glenda

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