Little Hazel and a brown WIP 23rd Mar 2016

Morning every one, another week has slipped through my fingers while I have been sewing LOL

Sun has just come up and what a beautiful morning and I know it is going to be a perfect day.

Sun has just come up and what a beautiful morning and I know it is going to be a perfect day I love how the shadows change so quickly when the sun rises. .

This week it has been mostly Little Hazel I have been working on mental and physically.

I have cut out 1/2 the templates for my otter ring on Little Hazel,  but first drew up a 1/2 circle of the otter ring  on a very very large piece of paper so I can  check and check as my templates and then check when I sew my pieces together.

I have cut out 1/2 the templates for my outer ring on Little Hazel, but first drew up a 1/2 circle of the outer ring on a very very large piece of paper so I can check and check as I make my templates and then check when I sew my pieces together.  I have 1/2 of the fabric and the templates cut now.

I cut 1/2 my centre shapes first and checked these to see if they would fit????  I think they do LOL  I have cutting squares on top of them to stop them from curling up.

I cut 1/2 my centre shapes first and checked these to see if they would fit???? I think they do LOL I have placed  cutting squares on top of them to stop them from curling up!!!!  My first row of triangles will be black.


Oh dear I was so so sure yellow was the right colour and I dislike it so much Hmmmmmmm It is fighting so much against the centre it looks like a separate piece.  Every one of those yellows are a different fabric and they just have to go so its back to the drawing board this week to find another colour.   PS I have found one but will share it next week LOL  Today it will be cutting out another 32 freezer paper templates and 32 pieces of fabric then ironing them together.  May be by the week end Little Hazel centre will be finished but don’t hold your breath LOL

I also worked on my woollen PNG quilt and managed to complete appliquéing all 4 leaf borders.

All 4 leaf borders finished now to find time to sew them on?

All 4 leaf borders finished now to find time to sew them on?

A corner of the Woollen PNG quilt with leaf borders lying beside it.

A corner of the Woollen PNG quilt with leaf borders lying beside it.


Add a flower



Add some bigger ones in those big open deep purple triangle

Now add a couple of tiny leaves to the Heart flower to finish it off!

Now add a couple of tiny leaves to the Heart flower to finish it off!  Now I just need to sew those borders on so this can all be finished! Did I mention any where that I love colour LOL


Some times it is so long since I have seen a WIP I have forgotten I have it till I read some ones blog or see some thing on their blog that triggers the memory, this happened last week I saw some ones quilt which had hearts on it, so off I went and dug up (and it was digging as it was well buried LOL) this quilt which was a challenge quilt I made while living in PNG where I learnt there was  a world of fun in Patchwork.

Some times it is so long since I have seen a WIP I have forgotten I have it till I read some ones blog or s

So while living in PNG I meet up weekly with 5 other quilters from the regular weekly open quilting group (where there were often up to 40 people it was more social than sewing and lots of laughter. )  we set our selves challenges to make us think out side the box and take us out of our comfort zone.  this challenge was make a block using the colour you least liked, that was easy for me it was BROWN  LOL  then make this block in to a quilt????



I was very new to patchwork so it was a large 4 patch for me,  yes I did not know there were 4 patches 9 patches 20patches a so on LOL  I wanted roughly a 12  1/2 inch block so made 5  2 1/2 inch squares across and down and made my 12  1/2 inch block.  none of us living up there were quilters we were all just self taught and learnt as we went and shared what we learnt and our mistakes, there were no book shops let along fabric shops as we know down here !!!!!  Now I had to turn this block in to a quilt?????  so I made blank calico squares the same size and above is the end result, BUT  I ended up with all these blank spaces that looked like holes from a distance to me LOL  A year later  I wanted to learn embroidery to help fill in the 12 hrs a day I had on my own 6 days a week but did not want to make samples LOL  so I then decided to embroider inside the blank spaces on my BROWN quilt>

Mu first embrodiery block

My first embroidery block, I knew how to make colonial knots and french knots as I had learnt over the past 12 months how to do candlewhicking embroidery.  So I drew a heart and made knots all over it playing with every different coloured thread there was. there are 1000 of knots there and it took me several weeks to make the block. One day DS walked in and stopped to look and said “Mumma stop now it looks perfect like it is, you can see how it started and how it finished” so I stopped.

I ended up with all these blank spaces that looked like holes from a distance LOL  Then I wanted to learn embroidery to help fill in the 12 hrs a day I had  on my own 6 days a week

After my first heart block I made another with different stitches and I just kept on making up heart designs and making up stitches remember there were no book shops up there!!!!! then my mum sent me a wee embroidery book from NZ and I started learning from a book!!!!!!

In the garden this week.

Maiden fern looking lovely in the late after-noon sun yesterday

Maiden fern looking lovely in the late after-noon sun yesterday

My copper frogs disappearing under the weed creepers they will have to be saved before they are eaten up completely.

My copper frogs disappearing under the weed creepers they will have to be saved before they are eaten up completely.

Tree ants making a new nest sewing the leaves together.

Tree ants making a new nest folding down the leaves sewing the leaves together. If you zoom in you can see how they have cut the leaf above down the centre of the leaf and then pulled it down and are now wrapping it around the new nest full of eggs.

I accidently knocked the vine and instantly their nest was covered in ants ready to defend it, they will drop off on to you and have a nasty wee bite so hiker beware.

I accidently knocked the vine and instantly their nest was covered in ants ready to defend it, they will drop off on to you and have a nasty wee bite so hiker beware.


Some would call these leaves ugly but it is one of my hubbies favourite plants in the garden

Some would call these leaves ugly but it is one of my hubbies favourite plants in the garden

Its time to clean the pavers again;  before an dafter cleaning!!!!!!

Its time to clean the pavers again; before and after cleaning!!!!!!

And finally only one native creature to show  you this week, we did catch another large white tailed rat but I think you have seen enough rats for a while LLOL ?????

Mum dad and 3 babies make 5!  babies will be ready soon to fly off and find their own territory. But for now they are clenaning up the mosquitos every night while we sleep.

Tiny tiny insect bats. Mum dad and 3 babies make 5! babies will be ready soon to fly off and find their own territory. But for now they are cleaning up the mosquitos every night while we sleep. I was so lucky to get up close enough last night and take the photo.  they are hanging on to a concrete block see their tiny tiny perfect fingers and toes?

Now off to link up with Esther (Aliu’s) WOW or WIP’s

I will look at some of the other quilters blogs who have linked there, I have made my coffee and I will sit back and enjoy.  Many thanks for dropping in if you leave a comment and your website I will love to drop in on your blog and say Hi. Cheers Glenda

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10 Responses to Little Hazel and a brown WIP 23rd Mar 2016

  1. Wendy says:

    Hey there Glenda!
    Love your version of “Little Hazel” – look forward to seeing what you come up with instead of the Yellow. – Cheers Wendy

  2. Bunny says:

    Love you leaves on your wool quilt just beautiful.. Hmmmmm I see the yello would be great dipped in tea just to tone down the brightness, since the rest of the colors ar soft..just an idea. Those bats are so tiny and your garden always is so lush and beautiful

  3. Karen says:

    Glenda I always love to come and visit you – I wish I could do it in person – I love looking at where you live and your lovely quilts. Your scenery is so different than mine is so pretty and tropical! Little Hazel is coming along so great and will be a fantastic looking quilt when you are done with it .

  4. Maggie says:

    Dear Glenda

    You may not like the yellow, BUT it makes your hazel sing. Love the garden, we may have officially started Spring, winter has other ideas and we are in for a few days of crazy
    weather. Your garden is a treasure!

  5. Hi Glenda
    I never tire of your header picture… and your tropical garden! Awesome, and scary and that dang scorpion was shockingly big. Pet indeed. Feed him the ants! eeeek.

    You’d better stay in and quilt for safety! lol
    I do agree the yellow, and I love yellow, is bold on that color scheme. I hate the idea of starting that ring over but you’ll be happier. Hopefully you can keep the yellows for another project as they are gorgeous.
    Color relationships are infinitely interesting aren’t they? The same color looks great and not great depending on surrounding colors. LeeAnna

    • glenda says:

      Morning LeeAnna, yes I agree some colours change quiet dramatically when put beside another one. I think that’s why quilting is such a fascinating media to work in. Been playing with my Little Hazel corners this week spent hours sewing yesterday and now I don’t think it’s right LOL Cheers Glenda

  6. Plum Cox says:

    Oh my! What a lot you have to share with us this week!
    I agree that the yellow is a bit sharp compared to the middle – but perhaps it would be possible to offset it with something in the setting that calmed it a little? If you then introduced it again further out it might work? of course, by now you may be heading down a whole other colour path!
    Love your garden shots as always. So fascinating, the details that you are able to share with us are wonderful!
    Love your PNG hearts too – what a lovely way to make a quilt, and what memories it must hold for you. Aren’t we lucky having such a fascinating and sustaining hobby!
    Thanks for sharing, xx

    • glenda says:

      Hi Plum, I’m always surprised when it is another Wednesday the weeks are going past to quickly almost 1/4 of this year has gone and it seems like we have just recovered from Xmas last year? Have changed the colour on my Little Hazel and happy with it, then spent hours making up fabric for my corners and now not sure I like them LOL. Happy Easter Plum Hugs Glenda

  7. Jenny says:

    have had such a lovely time reading your blog this week, hope to hear I am not a no reply blogger, Hugs Jenny

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