Mini hexagon bag for Esther 20th Nov 2014

My Love Entwine centre is still where it was a month ago sadly I’m snowed under with other commitments but I will get back to it when I stay home long enough????IMG_1141


When I was looking for some thing on Sunday morning to carry in my bag while waiting in waiting rooms I found this tiny hexagon reversible bag I started a couple of years ago?????   It was very fiddly and when I had nearly finished sewing all the hexagons together (you needed to make two bags to make it reversible)  I made a mistake and sewed the last few hexagons in the wrong place, started to unpick it and cut the fabric!!!!!  So put it away in rather than keep making mistakes and forgot all about it.  Sunday night i sat and unpicked and sewed and sewed, nearly have the two wee bags finished just one hexagon to sew and then I can join them to make it a wee completed bag.  My hexagons are 1″ sided and made of silk.  I have seen it made with 1/2″ sided hexagons!!!!!!!

you start with a hexagon flower then add 6 more but you have to sew there side to, to pull them up in to the pouch!!!!!


Add two more then one more for the flap.


Showing bottom of bag

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Turned inside out



Annes Memory Bag.

Bag looks big but is only 12″ deep 11″ wide and a 3″ gusset.


Front of bag


Side view of gusset made with one of Anne’s Hubbies ties with his initial added. You can see his belt that I have threaded around the top of the bag. I have a couple of more loops to add at the back to tuck this end piece in to. I used Hungarian stitch for working the L.



I was not sure how to use the rest of the buttons so added them to the other side of the bag gusset going from largest to the smallest?????


Back view and here you can see his belt clearly and where it needs those extra loops.


Front with front flap folded back to show the buckle and belt, sure looks like a wee kilt here!!!!!


Side view of the other tie gusset with buttons .

A mass of spider orchids

A mass of spider orchids


First of our wild life for the wet season.

First of our wild life back for the wet season. Green tree frog he is around 3″long


This wee fell does not get bigger than 1" but makes more noise than the big frogs!!!!!

This wee fell does not get bigger than 1″ but makes more noise than the big frogs!!!!! Some times we will have up to 100 of them in the yard and we have to close the windows to sleep!!!!!!!

Some of the trees in flower at present on my way down to the beach.


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Last Wednesday I was in our capital and saw these beautiful windows wouldn't they make a wonderful quilt??????

Last Wednesday I was in our capital and saw these beautiful windows wouldn’t they make a wonderful quilt?????? They were in the Queen Victoria building


Thanks for dropping in.  Off to link up with Esther.

Cheers Glenda


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4 Responses to Mini hexagon bag for Esther 20th Nov 2014

  1. Karen says:

    I love stain glass – I made a stain glass lamp years ago and just took it down today to give it a thorough cleaning – It hangs close to the kitchen area and all the cooking grease, dirt flies though the air and settles – the bag looks wonderful so inventive with it. Love your little frog!

    • glenda says:

      Hi Karen I took that stain glass photo last Wednesday but could not share it as I was away from an computers then so sharing it this week. . When we were in Toronto years ago we visited a restaurant that had about 5 different levels and each level was a different menu , the floor space was huge and there were art treasures on all floors.we were taken there by a friend of the owner and he told him how I loved antiques and after dinner a gentle man came up and said to me would I like a tour of the different floors while every one else had coffee. What a treat this was as nothing was behind glass and you could get up close to any thing you really wanted to see; my guide was so patient and also knowable and could answer any question I asked . I remember one floor had nothing but Tiffany lamps hanging and standard what a treat that was. When we left he gave me a tiny wee treasure of a netsuke I was so over come with surprise I treasure that wee mouse so much. It turned out he was the owner!!!! Glenda

  2. Plum Cox says:

    What lovely photos in your post, Glenda! I love the memory bag with the belt and the buttons – a lovely idea. Your hexie bag looks good too, nice to hear that a long term WIP has found it’s time to be worked on again!

    • glenda says:

      Hi Plum lovely to hear from you. This is the first memory bag I have made by some one who asked for it and sent their own personal items so it was a difficult one to start as my projects mostly just evolve like many of us that quilt. I wanted to use the belt as it was so so personal but it is real thick leather and heavy, it has worked out though as putting it around the top of the bag has given it a lot of stability when it is set down and keeps the top open when you are trying to find any thing inside. I’m making individual small bags in stead of pockets for inside, one for Anne’s iPad and one for make up. These will be attached on to a long cord and clip on to rings inside the bag???? Does that make sense?? LOL. Hugs Glenda

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