Working on the shoulder tie bag. 12th Nov 2014

This week has been spent working on the memorial shoulder bag. I made the gusset by machine the rest has been done by hand.  I hope to have it finished by Friday and in the mail next week????.

Making the gusset and shoulder tie for the memorial bag. I have joined the two ties that Anne sent me and quilted one by machine.  I never use to quilt them but found it added stability to the shape after been used a while.


Both ties quilted and now ready to add to the front and back of bag shape.


I have hand sewn a narrow navvy satin biases fabric around the front and back of the bag shape to add strength when I sew the gusset ties to the back and front shape of the bag;  as  they are made of a very loose woollen weave.  It is just under 1/8th wide showing in the front.  I choose the navy to tie in with the work buttons I needed to use on the bag.   Photo below looks like a wee kilt to me at this stage. ??????!!!!!!



Back of Memorial bag

Back of Memorial bag


Above photo the gusset has been hand sewn on to the front of bag.


Back of bag has the narrow satin bias sewn on it ready to attach now to the gusset .



Back part of bag has a flap to fall down across the front of bag. I have added two heavy round flat pieces of lead about the size of a 20cent piece to make it hang firmly and not flap about.

Early sunrise this morning.

Early sunrise this morning.


I gave my DGD a wee babies bed, mattress for her doll; she does not put the baby to bed but her self instead??????

I gave my DGD a wee babies bed and mattress for her doll; she does not put the baby to bed but her self instead??????

She loves her new babies bed??????

She loves her new babies bed??????


I meant to show you this hellaconia last week it is off a young plant they can  have up to 10 or 12 flowers which end up around 18inches long .

I meant to show you this helaconia last week it is off a young plant they can have up to 10 or 12 flowers which end up around 18inches long , they look like plastic and it is hard to believe they are a real flower.

Tourist train arriving to beautiful day in the local rain forest village

Tourist train arriving to a  beautiful day in the local rain forest village. Taken from our front veranda



Off to link with Esther if my iPad will let me?????

Cheers Glenda

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16 Responses to Working on the shoulder tie bag. 12th Nov 2014

  1. Elaine says:

    Beautiful bag – it does look like a wee kilt! in a good way of course 🙂

    • glenda says:

      Thanks Elaine for dropping in. I’m sitting in the hotel doing some reinforcing around the top of the bag then I’m going to add belt loops to thread the belt through this will be the last thing I need to do. Will show you this next week then it will be off to Anne. Hugs Glenda

  2. Turtle says:

    Glenda, love your kilt bag.
    The Bird of Paradise flower is gorgeous, one of my favorite flowers.
    Your grand baby is adorable, I bet you have also made her some doll quilts.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Turtle so lovely to hear from you. Up until now she has only been interested in boys toys as she has only wanted to play with what her big brother does, trains, leggo and trucks LOL. But 3weeks ago she started day care once a week and has dis covered girls play with dolls !!!! Hugs Glenda

  3. Bunny says:

    Interesting bag looks great. I always love your photos of the amazing flowers you have there. Cute little grand baby in her crib.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Bunny, I made a iPad bag for my DDIL and she uses it when she goes to her school to teach, head office admin lady saw it and asked if I would make her one but from items of her hubbies and items he recently gave her, he recently died. So that is how this one grew. Hugs glenda

  4. Karen says:

    you are very close to the train going by – I guess you are used to the train noises. Your bag is looking wonderful

    • glenda says:

      We only get two tourist trains a day coming up and going back down and they crawl past our place some times we don’t even hear them. They only come up to the local village and is a old old train with pull up and down windows no air con LOL Engine pulls 13 carriages to help with the breaking when it goes down, it is a long steep descent, we are 1000 feet above sea level and it is almost straight up. Hugs Glenda

  5. Sue Jennings says:

    What a wonderful and unique memory bag! I love the tartan wool!

    • glenda says:

      Hi Sue, Anne sent me two ties to use for the gusset in the bag and they were both in the orange yellow tones and I could not believe it when I saw this jacket hanging with the same yellow tones in the grey fabric. Some times things just jell. Take care Glenda

  6. Esther Aliu says:

    Hi Glenda, what a fabulous bag. I think it will bring such comfort and pleasure to someone special, to have it made of preloved fabrics like that. Now that you’ve given your DGD a charming little crib, she needs all the little accessories….like mini quilts, and pillows. Goodness have I made a few of those in my lifetime! Love your lush paradise there and I think it must be so romantic to see the train going by….bliss.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Esther not sure why but this bag took a long long time to start, then it has taken off and has consumed all my time the last two weeks and I now know how it will finish. Yes it is lots of fun now that my DGD knows she is a girl not a boy LOL. Yes the train is a treat to watch shuttle past each day. We also use to have a old steam train go past now that really was a treat, black engine, steam, and that mournful whistle. Hugs Glenda

  7. Anne Marieke says:

    So generous of you to make that wonderful bag. It does remind me of a quilt too!

    Those flowers are amazing. I wouldn’t mind pointing my camera at them.

    And as for your little granddaughter. She is just adorable.

    • glenda says:

      Thanks Anne Marieke Our flowers still amaze me every time they flower, When we first moved over here from NZ and I first saw them in huge hotel arrangements for several years I though they were plastic!!!!! Now I have them growing in my own back yard????? Hugs Glenda

  8. Ruth says:

    Georgeous work. What do you use to stablize silk? Have some 1945 Japanese silk I want to use for some applique. Thanks from SW Missouri, USA.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Ruth you asked me about what kind of stabiliseing do I use with my silks, this depends on the weight of the silk, some silks are OK to use as is, but any of my very fine silks that you can see through or shed like mad I use iron on stabilising and different weights depending on wither I’m going to needle turn appliqué or do iron on appliqué. If you have 1945 silks from Japan you need to check for dye running or only use them in a wall hanging and make sure you put a tag on it to say DO NOT WASH. If you are going to use them in a quilt that would need washing from time to time remember that all silks shrink a great deal so you will need to prewash these. trick to washing these silks is to hand wash like silk stockings using your hair shampoo and the final rinse add some hair conditioner, gently ring out inside a towel then straight away iron dry this gives you a lovely smooth fabric plus (it will feel like parchment paper to stat with but will quickly soften) helps to stop the fabric from creasing so much as you use it. If you let it dry by air like hanging out to dry you will have a great deal of difficulty getting the creases out no matter how much you iron it. My LE is almost all silk and all different weights and if it is ever washed it will end up a looking like the dogs blanket as I have used so many different weights, weaves, and dyes. Some would shrink by 50% and some would bleed so much it would look like a pieces of crazy art!!!!! Best of luck Glenda

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