WOW’s 21st May 2014 with Esther

My day started with very little to show you in the garden and sewing related then with a blink of an eye I saw some thing special, I was emptying the bag of washing from the Shop when I saw quilting stitches 1/2 way down the bag, I kept emptying the bag and adding the colures clothes to the washer and then pulled out a quilt???? all I could see was the tiny stitches on cream calico, I took it in side a spread it on the floor and Bingo

Bingo a 2metre hand sewn and quilted quilt in soft pastels ?????

All the blocks are made by different quilters, may be it was a group swap or may be even a online group swap which are very popular in Australia. When you look up close the stitching on some are quite primitive so they must have been beginners but it just adds to the sweet nest of this darling wee quilt. .

Each block is a pieced block all different so the makers were able to choose their basket but used soft pastel colours through out. The owner spent a great deal of time thinking about how to make these blocks up as they are so balanced and ZI love the flower vine border she added with the small baskets in each corner of the border.

Not sure if you can see the quilting in the border but it is lovely, so many tiny tiny stitches .

So from nothing to show I have enjoyed sharing this wee treasure with you. It has been well used as it has had constant trips to the washing machine by the feel of it, but it still has many more years to be loved and used.  There is one small stain in the border and that is why they would have put it in the wash bag for me to wash,  it may come out but if not it will be still treasured.

LE progress not much to see but I have been needle basting lots and lots of pieces for my Part 11 border.

My wee wooden sewing box is filling up quickly with needle basted pieces ready to be appliqué on to Part 11 one day LOL I have also made enough Dutch Pixie pieces to appliqué on to another border .

100s of laure leaves needle basted over wash away freezer paper. Over 2/3 of the way with these lovely wee pieces.

I'm making my fairies for Part 11 in two pieces as this means not so many sharp con-caves and they sit much better.

Yes I did manage to appliqué a few more Dutch Pixies and have pinned the Zig Zag on the top ready to appliqué down too on this border.

Nothing to show in the nature line this week so will repeat the last 3 photo’s I added to my blog last week just before it was closed off.

Wompoo bird has just brought her baby in on it's first flight, it kept falling as you will see by the other photo's I was lucky to have my camera with me as they flew in. Chick has a grub in its mouth.

Hows is that for colour every colour in the rainbow!!!!!! Chick has fallen in to the stalks of the eaten berries below the adult bird.It is the first time I have ever seen a chick in the 17 years we have lived here so this was very special for me.

This bird is from the Dove family all though it is the size of a large pigeon and we are so lucky to have it fly in and out of our palm trees so we can see it up close when feeding on the berries. Chick is still hanging on and still has the grub in it's beak from when it flew in with it's mum???? It has grey and brown feather s for a long time then blossoms in to it's stunning colure around 1 year old.

Well from having nothing to show I haven’t done to bad LOL

I’m off to link with Esther on her WOW or WIP’s today

Thanks for dropping in and visiting my small part of paradise.

Cheers Glenda

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2 Responses to WOW’s 21st May 2014 with Esther

  1. Karen says:

    I have been watching the progress of so many with their Love Entwined and I think I will try doing the same way when I get back to mine of prepping the pieces in advance with the wash away iron on stabilizer that Esther uses. I used it on the first row of zigzags and it worked ok although I had to glue it down in places also. The pieces look so neat that way. My trouble right now I think is that I was working on too many applique projects for quite some years now and I got tired of it. I am still trying to finish my Floral Fantasy which is down the borders and I can never get in the mood to work on it. I keep telling myself I will get back to it – the mood will strike me once again.

  2. Margaret says:

    Your border is looking great, Glenda!
    I finally found my machine under a pile in the back room of the house, so I can start making zigzags (if the machine still works. It has been 10 years since I last used it.)

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