WOW 13 Nov 2013 with Esther

I wrote up my blog this morning which took roughly 1 1/2 to 2 hrs and some how I lost the lot. My photo’s I had uploaded were still there but no words so I’m just going to upload photos now but no history about them.

Not much to show this week in the garden or sewing.  I have been working on my LE but there does not look like I have as I have been adding all the tiny details like leaves stalks and yellow colonial knots in my tiny pink hearts as they are mostly silk and if I try and cut those tiny peep holes I know I will get a lot of frying so I have chosen to embroider the peep holes.

Finally settled for a red circle rather than another colour on my vase and added yellow colonial knots using two threads of DMC thread to make my peep holes in my hearts.

Close up of leaves which I have padded as well as leaving in the wash away fabric. I'm still thinking about replacing the lilies with a tighter woven silk so they are not sewn down yet.

I just have my cherries and two leaves to add now and then make up my mind about the lilies.

Some books that were my mums I brought down from the attic this morning to read about gold work

While looking for the books I came across this photo of DS wearing a double sided blanket it I made him 20 plus years ago, when I gave it to him he wanted a slit in the middle so he could wear it as a poncho!!!! it was hard to do than make the blanket. When I look at it now I realise it was the first quilt I made I knew nothing about quilting then I made it out of old woollen and mohair coats from Opp Shops which I cut up in to squares and joined them all together to make a front and back blanket like great gran use to make; to keep him warm when he used to go kite surf in the rivers of NZ and he would come out frozen. It sure kept him warm but it weighed a ton, it saved him several times from freezing when he was caught out during the winters when camping he kept it in his car always.

He has been coming in to the front porch the last 5 days since the rains came, he is not so big but he sure makes enough noise to wake the dead. He is a tree frog and I'm very found of them. There are many more like him in the garden!!!!

I started to get these beads ready to restring this morning red ones are glass and gold hand blown and the mauve ones made of a plaster similar to femo; but now running behind as I lost my original blog for today and then was side tracked researching about antique gold work after learning from Jane this morning that rabbit glue was used on antique stump, gold-work and embroidery to hold it in place, so using glue for appliqué pieces is not some thing new just rediscovered????? LOL> If you are interested in learning about antique gold-work check out I found this site wonderful for myself as a beginner.

Whats been happening in the garden the last two weeks??????

Huge pile of old timber on left of photo over grown with vegetation became a fish pond see below photo's?????

Whole area has been cleaned up and now we have the start of Sai's fish pond!!!!! DGS is only 4 but he helped the whole time he even knows how to mix and smooth concrete.

DS who now lives on the same property 2 weekends ago with his 4 year old DS they cleared this spot of trailer loads of old timber, last Sat morning his D S said he wanted a fish pond for some fish and turtles????? they started making the pond around 7.20am it was going to be just a large very large commercial cut in 1/2 gas bottle but DH had other ideas for that so this is what they ended up with Sunday night rather larger than a what was first planned LOL. I will keep updated as he plants up around it.

I had to add the wooden duck that I had just bought at the Opp Shop he just belongs there.

From a pile of rubble to a road see below?????

All done by hand, oh to have the back and the strength to work like our DS does. Thank you so much dear.

Not happy with all that heavy work making the fish pond while I slept Sunday after-noon DS turned a pile of rubble in to a road for the tractor that was to steep and washed out??????? Oh  to be that young again or I should say Oh to still have that energy. 

Summer is here strawberries are here again. In my garden this morning.

Bunny this photo is for you I found this wee wooden cardinal at the beach Opp Shop last Wednesday and thought of you so he will be part of my Xmas decorations this year. Sorry it is a blurry photo but my good camera for close ups needs a new battery.

All for to day it is now after-noon and 1/2 my day gone and still no sewing done.

Off to link with Esther at

Happy stitching or what ever you may be doing today. Cheers Glenda Australia.

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6 Responses to WOW 13 Nov 2013 with Esther

  1. Bunny says:

    Wonderful photos again Glenda and especially the little red cardinal oh he is too cute. We have them in our tree sae him tonight. I will miss my family of birds when we move to the condo. We will be on eighth floor so we will have to sit on the park benches in the garden to enjoy the birds. There will be lots of positives though.
    Hugs Bunny

  2. Karen says:

    sorry you had computer problems but see you worked it out. I love stopping by your blog to see your lovely LE and the gardens that you have. Your plants are so exotic compared to ours and I love to see them. I love what you did with the hearts on LE – what a great idea to incorporate embroidery – I will need to do more of that also as I get back into my own version in another month or two – it will wait though as I make some more finishes this year. I think I need to get out my box of embroidery threads though and see what I have – I might just have to start picking up some more to use for LE!

  3. Helen says:

    Your LE is looking beautiful !!

  4. Plum Cox says:

    What a shame that you lost your original post – and thank you for re-creating it and sharing all those lovely photos with us.
    That tree frog is so cute!
    Your LE is looking amazing – the additional embellishments that you are adding are really giving it character – beautiful!

  5. Klaske says:

    Your LE looks great Glenda!!

  6. Cindy says:

    I love seeing your weekly Wows 🙂

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