WOW or WIP’s with Esther 10th Oct 2018

Blocks are made from a silk obi belt, si

Blocks are made from a silk obi belt which is made of gold thread and green silk but very very tightly woven so quiet thick and heavy.

Sitting beside the swimming pool after been in the garden all morning.

This is where I was cleaning in th e Garden this morning

This is where I was cleaning in the Garden this morning racking up the leaves from the crazy path  that wanders past a fish pond then down to the lower slopes, tthen  washing the paths clean.

We have jumped in to summer over night it seems.  While we are heading for a very long hot summer they say in Australia many of you are now starting to lite furnaces or fires?  For me this time means lots of work in the garden before the wet arrives in 2 or 3 months.  So I do not get much done sewing wise over these dry months. Plus for the first 2 weeks of Oct nearly every day is a birthday party celebration in our family so even less time to sew LOL.

Right now I’m making up the last 4 blocks of a memory quilt off my mum, using very old hankies, lace, and dollies that I found in her draws when I was sorting her belongings when she left us.

Close up of the background fabric for the blocks

Close up of the background fabric for the blocks.


When I join the blocks I will add a bright Irish green flange first to each block then use a dark green for the sashings.

Below are close ups of some of mums treasures she had saved in her life time or made plus a few from other quilters who helped me with these extra blocks I needed?


This lace was around a piece of silk that fell apart when I was handling it for the block so sat and unpicked the lace from it, then added the wee bobbin lace basket in place of the silk. It would have been a hank-chief at one time but a very long time ago,  well over 100 years old.


MY mum did beautiful fine needle work.


She was all ways making these lady dollies, she would make 4 then added them to each corner of  gingham material cut into a metre square, crochet a lace edge around the square and they would be engagement gifts. This Dollie was given to me by another quilter though.


Another very very old hankachief that must have been very precious to my mum.   I added the hand lace butterfly as I needed some thing to strengthen that centre silk that is so fragile now, plus I All ways like to add a butterfly to my quilts.


another tiny piece of hand made lace from another quilter.


She must of loved this style of  fashion as it is on many of her pieces.


another quilter made this one for me it is from the lace that was used to make her Wedding dress.

Below block is handmade lace Ive attached to the outer edge then a fine fine crocheted dollie?????



Another vintage handkerchief she cherished.

That’s all I have to show in the sewing line this week?

Catching the Palm nuts as they are dropped by rats, possums, and bats in the night, if I don’t remove them every second day they start to ferment and the smell is awful?

Catching the Palm nuts as they are dropped by rats, possums, and bats in the night, if I don’t remove them every second day they start to ferment and the smell is awful?  So I lay this cloth and empty it every second day.  This morning it was full!

In the garden today.

Little wild Lilly.

Little wild Lilly.

Close up of my day Lilly

Close up of my day Lilly

They grow wild through the gardens.

They grow wild through the gardens.

A Brom flower

A Brom flower

Close up of the crazy paving path

Close up of the crazy paving path


Thank you so much for dropping in to check on me and reading to the bottom of my blog LOL  I never seem to be able to make a 5 second blog LOL

Im off to link with Esther on her WOW or WIP’s which started 7 hrs ago down in OZ.  Cheers Glenda.


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14 Responses to WOW or WIP’s with Esther 10th Oct 2018

  1. Jenny Benton says:

    Simply beautiful blocks and a wonderful way to honour your Mum’s memory.

    • glenda says:

      Thank you Jenny, it’s been in my UFO pile far to long so hope to have it finished as a gift before next year? One of my SILs who I love very much looked after my mum her last few years full time except when she flew over to us for 3 months every couple of years so making it for her. Cheers Glenda

  2. Marita says:

    Dear Glenda,
    your memory quilt will be beautiful! Her mother would be proud of her. Beautiful lace.
    Greetings, Marita

    • glenda says:

      Thank you Marita for dropping by, I just have to find the time to stop doing gardening and house work long enough to do some sewing as I want so much to finish the memory quilt. Cheers Glenda

  3. Gretchen says:

    The memory blocks are lovely, what a wonderful tribute to your mother. Yes, turning on the furnace will happen this week. Right now the temps are still warm but we’re supposed to have a system come through today. Tomorrow is supposed to be 25 – 30 degrees cooler. Definitely furnace time. I’ve been thoroughly cleaning my house this week, almost finished. I’ll take the screens out of the windows and shut them up tight. I don’t like to run the furnace unless the windows are tightly shut. I’ll have to depend on you for beautiful flower photos during the winter. Have a great time at all the birthday parties!

    • glenda says:

      I will make sure I keep posting photos of flowers to cheer you up on your cold winter days Gretchen. I’m so glad I know longer have to go through cold winters. But I do miss seeing the colurs change come Autumn and the spring bulbs both those we never see in the wet tropics. But you can not have every thing in this life thank goodness. Our wet is not a nice time but for me it means days inside which means hrs of time to fill in, and that means sewing time yippy LOL

  4. Lennea says:

    Yes, quite chilly and wet here in the pacific northwest corner of the US as we are having below normal temperatures. We went from summer straight into wintery weather!

    The memory quilt blocks are stunning! And such a thoughful piece, with attention given to each individual block. Reminds me a bit of a handsewn crazy quilt that I made my oldest daughter when she married 17 year ago, embellished with vintage silk and lace that a dear friend (now passed) gave me. Your blocks have started me down memory lane. They evoke such feeling.

    • glenda says:

      This is the 3rd time Ive tried to write to you Lennea, each time my computer jumps to another page and I loose your message so just going to say thanks so much for dropping in then see what happens LOL OK now its saved and Im doing a quick edit LOL I saw another lovely way of making a memory quilt last week using QAYG hexagons and you fill the hexagons first like crayz patchwork using the antique lace and linen, its a quick way of making up the blocks and you quilt as you go, which I need now as my hands don’t like doing a full quilt any more????? OK Ive done 3 quick edits and you message is still here LOL Would love to see the quilt you made your daughter, can you PM me a photo???? it sounds lovely. Cheers Glenda

  5. This is a very special quilt!

  6. Marie says:

    Bonjour Glenda,
    Un paradis dans votre jardin,quel trésor de plantes!ici en France c’est l’automne et notre jardin ce vide doucement aprés une belle récolte de légumes.

    Glenda votre futur quilt aux dentelles est tout simplement grandiose,un trésor de dentelles et de broderies.
    Je vous souhaite une belle couture et suis impatiente d’admirer la suite.
    Toutes mes amitiées.

    • glenda says:

      Lovely to hear from you Marie, I have spent as many hrs as possible sewing this week to try and catch up on the quilts I want to finish this year, next week it is Nov I can not believe the year is nearly over. My biggest aim is to finish my Queens Garden quilt top, and my Round Robyn quilt top, any thing else will be a bonus. Cheers Glenda

  7. Pamela says:

    Your blocks are gorgeous. What a special memory quilt! I love that you used as obi for the blocks.

    • glenda says:

      Thank you Pamela, that Obi is very thick silk and gold and quiet heavy so I wont be able to quilt these blocks as normal, I will try sashiko but it will be difficult to do. Cheers Glenda

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