WOW or WIPs with Esther. 22 August 2018


We have been having very  cold but beautiful sunrises the last week .


A beautiful 100% wool old afgan Im repairing, those squares are only 2 1/2 inches square!!!!  and in fine 2 ply wool?????

I really have little to share this week as I’ve just been working on my Calico Garden sewing and appliqueing the wee blocks as I join strips together, starting from one Corner and sewing on the diagonal.

I’m appliqueing

I’m appliqueing the wee flowers as I get to the next strip, so to start I just had to applique 2 wee blocks all by machine to join the first 6 rows starting from this corner.

I’m sewing the strips in to pairs then in to 4s then will join this on to my corner piece?

I’m sewing the strips in to pairs then in to 4s then will join this on to my corner piece?

Slowly she grows

Slowly she grows

To day I wanted to make a healing heart for some one so started with some 1 1/2 inch squares again

Playing with 1 1/2 inch squares

Playing with 1 1/2 inch squares

And made a ting quilt top?

And I made a tiny quilt top?

Which became a heart

Which became a heart?


Then I wanted a card!  I can not find cards to go with these Healing Hearts that I feel is right so decided to make my own out of fabric?  So I pulled a lovely piece of fabric and started playing as I’d decided to make a border perse card? I cut out a flower, then a bud and finally a butterfly and fussed on some irononfussing, I cut out my shapes I’d choosen and placed them on the cardboard and ironed it all down? it worked like a treat .

So now I ended up with card and Healing Heart

I added two antenna’s and some wee legs with a fine marker pen. So now I ended up with a hand made fabric card and a Healing Heart? They are now ready to be posted tomorrow.  Im just so glad I don’t need these healing Hearts myself.

Here is a card I made earlier in the week to go out with a Healing Heart

Here is a card I made earlier in the week to go out with a Healing Heart, I cut this heart out of fabric and stitched it down with my sewing machine worked like a treat.

What I thought was a oil paining?

When I picked this pice of fabric up at first from a distance

When I first saw this I thought it was a painting???


TThen when I picked it up and realised it was long and short stitch I was amazed at the craftmenship.


IT is increadiablel to think this has all been done by hand and some how ended up in a second had shop?


TThese threads are no thicker than the threads

I use in my sewing machine when appliqueing with bottom line????


Jjust look at those rocks????  Every  time I look at this piece of art I’m spellbound by the work that went in to making it. it is roughly 18inchs by 13 inches.

Today has been rather hectic so No garden photo’s,  I will add some tomorrow if possible.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and say hello. Of to link up with others now on esther’s blog wow or WIP’s

Cheers Glenda

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9 Responses to WOW or WIPs with Esther. 22 August 2018

  1. Gretchen says:

    The homemade cards will bring a much pleasure as the healing hearts do. I really like the patchwork heart you made, just lovely! You are right, we are so fortunate we don’t need the healing hearts. I have a granny afghan mother made years ago. I don’t use it anymore. I would take it to mom when it needed mending. Now she’s gone and it’s too much of a treasure to be used. Have a good week!

    • glenda says:

      Morning Gretchen, you are right this afghan also is a treasure and the moths have had so much fun eating it, I hav at least 20 wee blocks to make and fill in the holes were Ive unpicked the eaten ones, but it is worth it as you said they are treasures this one specially as its only fine fine 2 ply wool which Im lucky to have some of from England its baby knitting wool Ive had for years, this afghan would cover a queens size bed !!!!! I will take a photo of it spread out if I can remember to LOL and share next week I hope yours does not get any moths in it while been stored.
      Hugs Glenda ,

  2. Karen says:

    I have recently thought to learn the granny square for an afghan I have never actually made the granny square even though it has been around forever – do you ever have trouble with moths or other bugs eating the fabric or yarn there in the tropics?

    • glenda says:

      Hi Karen I learnt the Granny square when I was a wee tot from my mum. Yes we do have a problem with moths thats why I’m working on replacing lots of these tiny wee squares. this throw is Huge but I just love it and so I keep on making tiny squares and replacing them LOL .

  3. Lennea says:

    Such beautiful cards! And your nine patch with applique flowers makes my heart skip a beat. Am locing watching your work on it.

  4. Lennea says:

    Such beautiful cards! And your nine patch with applique flowers makes my heart skip a beat. Am loving watching your work on it.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Lennea thanks for stopping by, some times you just can not find the right card, Tim makes lovely cards and Ricky Tims also so I decided to make up some my self and it was fun trying out different idea’s!!!! Calico Garden is slowly growing all most 1/2 way, when I’ve appliquéd enough wee blocks for the next row I join them together hopefully I wont get side tracked doing it this way LOL Making these little mini quilts with the 1 1/2 inch squares is making it fun also. they all turn out different/ Great to have some Healing Hearts on hand also. Cheers Glenda

  5. Kyle says:

    It’s always a treat to see what you’ve been doing. The card is wondeful along with the heart. It will be special for someone.

    • glenda says:

      Thanks for dropping in Kyle, Im just so glad I don’t need these Healing Hearts, I do enjoy making them for others though. This week I have been sewing all those short seams on my Calico Garden and so far have made 6 more hearts !!!! Waste not want not as my Gran use to say LOL Every little scraps finds a home? My Gran had a saying for just about ever thing LOL Cheers Glenda

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