WOW 7th March 2012

Sandwiched tagged & ready for quilting

Another UFO top quilt top finished plus tag  sandwiching ready to start machine quilting?????? I bless the day hubby suggested I tag my quilts and bought me one last year.  Yeterday I had this quilt which is 2 metres square sandwiched in about 4 hrs fold up and stored for quilting. Normal it would of taken me 2 full days basting it by thread. I also have worked how to do it on my dinning table which has a glass top and 2 meters long by 1 meter wide instead of on the floor!!!!!, I have bought 2 old irioning bords from Opp SHops and set these either side of the table this gives me the added meter down the sides; I spread the backing fabric and clip this around the table and the ironing bords with LARGE paper clips, then lay the  batting and finally the quilt, make sure there are no wrinkles and starting tagging every 3inchs apart working from the centre out, when I have completed all the area where the glass table is I slide the quilt across and do one side then after doing that slide it across to the other side and I’m finished. When using the gun I push the needle through on an angle and it slides across the glass rather than straight down in to the glass. How ever I have pinned the edges around the quilt for extra suppot as I’m sure it is to heavy just for the mini tags there.  I’m going to try machine quilting it. I think it lends it self to machine quilting as I will do in the ditch then wash it as my wee dog chewed a gecko up in to 10 pieces right in the middle of it when it was laying on the floor while I was finishing off the last row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have a Japanese Tatami room which is separate from the rest of the house off the veranda and the tatami mats are great for working on quilts I’m machine sewing as it’s next to where I have my sewing area set up on the veranda out side.

Dear Jane block

I have managed to make a couple of Dear Jane blocks this week.

Sweet wee hearts another Dear Jane block

I find doing these wee blocks relaxing and soothing.

Garden is looking rather pretty at present.

These grow soooo well here in the tropics Click to enlarge these are beautiful!!!!!

Much to my surprise I found this beautiful orchid in full flower yesterday.

Orchid growing in the garden

How amazing if nature

Just beautiful!!!!

I was able to meet up with my friend this morning for the first time in 4 weeks, the beach was beautiful.

Not a soul on the beach this morning but us!!!!!

Afterwards we stopped for coffee and there was some one doing hairdressing on the beach frontage????????

Hairdressing beside the sea?????????????

My blog is written to link up with Esther each Wednesday. Esther designs the most beautiful quilts.  


Cheers Glenda

If you would like to pop in and say hi please do but


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6 Responses to WOW 7th March 2012

  1. Ria Sprik says:

    Your DJ bloks looks beautiful.
    groetjes Ria

  2. Karen says:

    Hi Glenda — Congrats on your quilt top being done — when you say “tagging” you mean with a gun — like putting a tag on a piece of store clothing ? Do you use a tiny tag, so the hole in your cloth is small ? That is very interesting — I’ve never heard of this before — thank you for sharing more info or showing a close up picture.

    The Dear Jane blocks are very pretty — I love your applique.

    • glenda says:

      Hi Karen thanks for dropping in and leaving lovely positive vibes behind. Yes it is the same as they use for tagging clothes, but it is called a micro tagger used for quilting and has a small needle and ting short tags, it is so quick and much easier on the wrists and lower back!!!! I’m hitting 70 now and appreciate these minor details. LOL Mini is a TG Tacher VII micro tagging gun made in Austria top quality so cost more than the cheaper ones from China but there is a big difference in using them. If you do ever buy one remember to buy extra needles I did not think about it and I dropped my gun and snapped off the tip of the needle 1/2 way through a quilt top?????????? It takes us around 10 days to get another where I live??????? Cheers Glenda

  3. Lynette says:

    Hey, way to go with the UFO! Love the fabrics in your Jane block, too.

  4. Heidi says:

    Hi there Glenda, love your near finished UFO, way to go, good for you, I can only imagine how good it feels to get these out of the way. I wish I could get the time to work on mine, love the flower pictures, and of course can’t leave off the beach pics either, when I saw the hair cutting couple my first thought was “life is good” how great is that just doing outside leave the hairs for the birds to make nests with and NO mess at the house, how great is that!!!! Heidi

  5. Bunny says:

    Hi Glenda! Nice quilt you have been busy. I have one of thos tag things I did not like it as I had trouble getting some of the tags out of the quilt after I quilted it. Mine might be different than your though. Love your orchids and that beach is just beautiful.
    Hugs Bunny

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