WOW 12th March 2014 with Esther

I keep getting a surprise when I have to say it is now March 2014, where have the last two months gone too??????

I thought I was going to have lots of time to quilt this year but some how so far it has not happened.

This week past I have been fighting a infected tooth and finally had it pulled yesterday, i sure have not felt like sewing, but I did make a wee mini heart quilt for the UK.

The Lilacs, Dittons Road,
Polegate, East Sussex. BN26 6JQ

I started out with 3 hearts using the fabric I'm using in my LE so they are silk, but was not happy with just the 3 so now we have 5 .Now I cut the top in to a curve as I was not happy with the square look and have it ready to quilt.

It is starting to take shape now.

Not quiet finished but I can not see the dark thread as my abscess is effecting my eye sight. May be I will complete the quilting next week.


Yesterday I was looking for some Yo Yo’s I had made many moons ago, I have 15 boxes down stairs would you believe they were in the 15th box, now that is Murphy’s Law for you.

I found the yo yo's but they were to big for the project so now I have found them and don't know what to do with them LOL

While hunting for those Yo Yo's I rediscovered this UFO???? I started to make this wee quilt for my DGS when he was born he is now 5 and goes to school!!!!! I have decided to try and finish it as I'm sitting around a lot at present nursing a abscess gum and can not concentrate on my LE but this is easy going just blanket stitches but takes me 2 hrs to complete one teddy, may be I will finally get ti finished????

Close up of Teddy he does need his eye though????

Handed in to the Opp Shop this week, it is Indian and is in shocking repair but I could not throw it in the bin because of all the intricate work that has been done on it. It was full of mud cocoon nests and cockroaches.  Is badly ripped in places.  I have hung it for 5 days and the awful smell has gone but now I don’t know what to do with it. It is not old enough for a museum I think and it weighs a ton, as it is so heavily embroider with sequins peals and glass beads.

Backing is a very very heavy tightly woven cotton. It is so heavy for some thing so small it is around 2 metre by 1 1/2 metres. After the centre was finished the rest looks like crazy patch work, it looks like they have just added bits and pieces all over the cloth till it was completely covered. Then the green backing was added so we have ended up with a coverlet but a very small heavy one.

Close up of centre piece for the life of me I have forgotten what they are called. OK Have found it It's Zardosi or Zardozi embroidery Zar gold and Dozi embroidery I think I have this right and originally came out of Persia. These ones are made up from recycled elaborate sari trimmings and are sold as wall hangings to the European market.

Close up

CLose up; these close ups are for you Elaine.

Sadly my cameras have failed I had forgotten about putting them in to my heat box cupboard over the last couple of months with all the rain and high high humidity. 98% humidity and heat of 28C don’t agree with cameras. So no out door nature photo’s today.

I will now link with Esther with her WOW or WIP’s .

Happy sewing all Cheers Glenda who all ways loves to hear from you.



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3 Responses to WOW 12th March 2014 with Esther

  1. Karen says:

    I do feel for you with dental problems! I went last week and go again next week for a permanent crown – pricey but with insurance not too bad. I hope you will get your camera’s working or you will need to get a new one so we can all keep up with you! Hope your mouth isn’t too sore.

  2. Sandra V. says:

    So sorry to hear about your dental issue. No wonder you haven’t felt like sewing. Hope you feel better real soon.

  3. Esther Aliu says:

    Hi Glenda, good question, it’s mid March now! Someone please tell me where all that quilting time I promised myself has gone??? How did you find the time to make a Tombola Heart? It’s beautiful, what a sweet design! I can’t believe it, how generous you are – and all whilst having your family there and volunteering too! You have to slow down Glenda you’re making me look so tardy 🙂 Oh, and I have a box of yoyos somewhere too, but what to do with them all? They seem to have fallen out of fashion?

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